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"Escape Perennial City"

"This document is\ a transcript of a recorded\ remote viewing"
#HAIKUPRAJNA - Five Eight Four

. Description: 

This document is a transcript of a recorded remote viewing.

A teleporting man had tried to escape the city, into the Wasteland, but he was prevented by the walls. The government and its telekinetic citizens refused to believe, confirm or deny his discovery. The party responsible expend themselves against Charley Finch to silence him, forcing him to evade the police Chief and their department throughout the city. Citywide property damage and injury led Charley to decide to appeal with the Mayor at City Hall.

There, he learns how to overcome these hindrances and strives to escape Perennial City.

Escape Perennial City : Superhero fiction, "Metaphysical and Visionary" Science Fiction 


"Escape Perennial City" eBook, paperback and hardcover are now available through Amazon and on Kindle apps and devices, read with Kindle Unlimited:

Thank you to all of our readers. None of this would be possible without you guys, my family and friends. Thank you all.

Allen William McLean

Song: Auroral by Electric Armchair. 

.- Listen to "Electric Gradient" on YouTube:

.- Stream more Electric Armchair:

.- Visit to read more by Allen W. McLean

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Photos were taken by April and edited by myself. Of streets in Toronto, Ontario, including Bay Street and Queen Street among others.


HaikuPrajna based on Escape Perennial City from "SM-SARA, Poems and Other Stories"

(Link to prerelease page, includes previews)

(Link to cover reveal)

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