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Showing posts with label Book Reviews. Show all posts


20241226 - 2001: A Space Odyssey ... HaikuPrajna [Book Review] [Project Roadmap Update Q3 2024]

A stark monolith, \\ 

Openings in space, time, mind, \\ 

Brighter than the stars 

... 2001: A Space Odyssey ... HaikuPrajna

Read online at HaikuPrajna 


Hello reader,

Thank you all for the birthday wishes! Hope you had a good holiday season. April has been real busy keeping the festivities going since Halloween, which has been keeping my spirits high. We took advantage of birthday offers from a few restaurants, hiked through -18C weather for an anniversary picnic in a national park, and as of writing we are in progress of visiting our families; feeling all sentimental, really feeling everyone's love, am very thankful for all of my loved ones.

Read on for a Project Roadmap Update at the end of this review! Also, stay tuned for a Year in Review themed update in the new year.


In all of the books I have read by him, let alone 2001: A Space Odyssey, Arthur C. Clarke wrote about characters that felt relatable despite their amazing and then-futuristic professions. 

2001 and the rest of the Odyssey series are an effortless blend of science fiction and the hard facts of the era. I loved how well grounded the fantasy elements were in this mixture. Philosophical and physics problems are evoked that we today are still faced with, and which we continue to answer with uncertainty, through this story’s balance of memorable cast members and feats of humanity. 

Arthur C. Clarke’s stories are great examples of hard science fiction. 2001 tackled the idea of a realistic approach to first contact with life beyond our planet, which occurred long before civilization began with Moon-Watcher’s tribe on the brink of being wiped out while being studied and modified by a Monolith. 

A short glossary of humanity’s rise from Moon-Watcher brings readers into the then-futuristic twenty-first century, where society has risen from their planetary cradle to being held together by pressure and compression in orbit around the Earth and on the surface of the Moon.

Some of the best parts of 2001 lay in these lived-in descriptions, reminding me of Moby Dick’s sub-plot detailing, where readers get a real feel for scenarios such as what it is like being David Bowman while repairing the Discovery as if it were a simple cell or lifeform. 

It is through these technical details where readers find the real fantasy and fiction of Arthur C. Clarke’s writing, through the theories and implications of the facts of the time the novel was written. 

A great example of this was in how Bowman's later ability to descend into planets without being touched by them was foreshadowed by the use of magnification to be, in effect, closer to the bodies, in both cases to collect data. 

The cool thing about scientists mapping out orbits for small satellites and humanity's spaceships is that it would take the same finesse to do so on a planetary scale, except that humanity lacks access to that scale of creative assets. Scientific law was the limit to creativity both in story and for its author.

In case it is unclear, 2001 is one of my favorite stories, and Arthur C. Clarke one of my favorite fiction writers.

2001 deals with physical representations of metaphysical concepts, taking readers to places where our stars are seen as jet-black, absorbing the Light beyond time and space. 

Arthur C Clarke's scope of humanity's technological growth is fascinating to me, from his then-near-future 2001 through 2061, to the far future 3001 (being read at the time of this review's publication). 

His stories have this way of balancing reality and dreams, of using his real-life experience of working with lifelike models, physical or intangible, to alter, predict and invite us within them.

These models were used to anticipate now modern day tech, including reusable space shuttles and predictions about smart devices, and also to create a compelling narrative which left expansion room for ideas he wanted to develop in future novels, like the transformation of Lucifer and the lifeform reveals, including spaceborn and gaseous races only able to communicate via radio waves.

Even modern mass media is alluded to by the Monolith creators’ experiments being undertaken by their automatic machines.

The best part of the series, rather than the Hollywood Kubrick film, is the deconstruction, analysis and continuation of these themes onwards through the sequels.

2001: A Space Odyssey grants a grounded foray into a retro-futuristic setting that never loses its real life basis, even when dealing with reality warping wormholes. Or entangled Star Gates. Or being on the ‘surface’ of space while moving outside of time.


HaikuPrajna project roadmap update 

Recent Reads:

. Bartleby, the Scrivener - Herman Melville . 20241217 - 20241218

. 2061: Odyssey Three - Arthur C. Clarke . 20240328 - 20241216

. The Odyssey - Homer . 20230115 - 20241215

. The Empire Strikes Back - Donald F. Glut . 2024 08 25 - 10 05

. A New Hope - Alan Dean Foster . 2024 07 13 - 08 25

. Star Wars: Rogue One - Alexander Freed . 2024 06 01 - 07 13

. Revenge of the Sith - Matthew Stover . 2024 02 24 - 2024 05 31

. Stuart Little - E.B. White . 2024 02 04 - 2024 03 28

. The Clone Wars - Karen Traviss . 2024 01 11 - 2024 02 18

. Attack of the Clones - R. A. Salvatore . 2023 10 17 - 2024 01 10


Current Reads:

. 3001: The Final Odyssey - Arthur C. Clarke . 2024 12 16

. Return of the Jedi - James Khan . 2024 10 14

. Thus Spoke Zarathustra - Friedrich Nietzche . 2023 08 13 

. Enneads VI - Plotinus . 2022 12 16


Upcoming releases 

HaikuPrajna Project Roadmap

Upcoming Releases by Allen W. McLean: 

. “FLUKE!” Vol 1

... Containing the following stories;

... KID: A


... The Artifact


... The Cannon

... Battle Colosseum

... Hector Blake


. Together in Forever Vol 1 - Part I-V

... As part of “SM-SARA: Poetry and Other Stories”, the short story “Artemis” will receive an independent release as Part IV, coupled with the latest entry in the Together in Forever series.

... The two sub-series The Wisps Book and The Deeper Forest will be collected alongside Together in Forever. All-new shorts are in production for all three series!


Recent Releases by Allen W. McLean:

. Hector Blake

. BATT-LE Colosseum Pt I: Hiding One's Shadow 

. Together in Forever - The Wisps Book: Ado the Owl 

... These three stories are available to read for free as a digital eBook download, or as part of your paid Medium, Substack or Patreon subscription!

. Together in Forever: Part V

... The sleeping hero, \\ their eyes blind to injustice \\ with misplaced mercy. ... (Simmer Down - HaikuPrajna (Together in Forever: Part V)

... A superhero in self-imposed exile struggles with drawing the line between mercy and giving into their wrath.


All Released Projects


. Together in Forever 

... Part I-V

... The Wisps Book

... ... Tomothy and the Overseer of the Forest

... The Deeper Forest 

... ... The Giant's Shadow 

. “FLUKE!”

... The Artifact


... The Cannon

... BATT-LE Colosseum

... Hector Blake

. Escape Perennial City - Samsara Edition

... KID: A


. The HaikuPrajna Collection - Fishing for Caribou 

. The HaikuPrajna Collection - SM-SARA, Poetry and Other Stories 

. The HaikuPrajna Collection - The Elephant in the Room


The HaikuPrajna Project Roadmap

Thank you for reading

More from Allen W. McLean 

Released Projects

. 2024 06 Together in Forever: Part V

. 2024 02 Together in Forever - The Deeper Forest: The Giant's Shadow


. 2023 12 Project Roadmap Quarterly Mini Zines 

. 2023 11 Escape Perennial City - Samsara Edition

. 2023 10 Ultraviolet Paperback

. 2023 09 First APRILandALLEN's Project Roadmap Update

. 2023 08 31 FLUKE!: Hector Blake + Ado the Owl Paperback

. 2023 07 23 The Elephant in the Room - Second Edition

. 2023 06 22 Deforms, Sticker Fix and more of APRILandALLEN’s Art Works, Book Merch and Clay Quirks

. 2023 05 24 FLUKE!: BATTLE Colosseum - Collected Paperback]

. 2023 04 28 FLUKE!: BATTLE Colosseum Pt. II Unified Field Theory

. 2023 03 25 FLUKE!: BATTLE Colosseum Pt. I Hiding One’s Tracks

. 2023 02 25 The Wisps Book IV: Summond the Scarecrow 

. 2023 01 30 The Wisps Book III: Falgara the Giant 


. 2022 12 03 The Wisps Book II: Ado the Owl

. 2022 10 29 FLUKE!: ULTRAVIOLET

. 2022 09 30 The Wisps Book I: Tomothy and the Overseer of the Forest

. 2022 08 01 Together in Forever: A Short Story - Collected Paperback Pt. I-III

. 2022 07 25 Together in Forever Pt III

. 2022 06 28 Together in Forever Pt II 

. 2022 06 16 Together in Forever Pt. I 

. 2022 04 01 The HaikuPrajna Collection Book II SM-SARA, Poetry and Other Stories, Second Edition

. 2022 03 22 Hector Blake

. 2022 03 13 The Cannon

. 2022 03 10 SM-SARA - KID:A Edition

. 2022 03 03 The Artifact


. 2021 11 28 The HaikuPrajna Collection Book III: Fishing for Caribou

. 2021 06 13 Escape Perennial City

. 2021 03 03 The HaikuPrajna Collection Book II: SM-SARA, Poems and Other Stories First Edition


. 2020 12 02 Blogspot

. 2020 04 04 The HaikuPrajna Collection: Elephant in the 

Room First Edition


. 2019 11 10 The A-Squared Production Team on Patreon

. 2019 06 16 SM-SARA Kindle Edition

. 2019 04 23 HaikuPrajna Day, first IG post


Thank you for reading,

Until next time!

Allen W. McLean


Need more Bite-sized Insights to relieve your stress and suffering?

Share, subscribe or leave a comment, it means the world to authors and is the easiest way to support the work you read, as your comments will reach other readers!

 @HaikuPrajna @ElectricArmchair

Read more of my haiku, listen to April's music and follow online or by email; all readers get book reviews in their inbox and can claim an eBook for free! 

I write mindfulness meditation scifaiku and haiku poetry on my book reviews and for my metaphysical stories, such as "Escape Perennial City". Read all of my books and writing online at HaikuPrajna 

Show your support with our Handmade Art Works, Book Merch, and Clay Quirks at APRILandALLEN's

April's psychedelic music videos, art and poetry is available on all streaming platforms at Electric Armchair

Subscribed Patreon, Medium and Substack readers have access to a selection of eBooks--visit our Patreon to submit to our public poetry prompt and view more features!

Read more HaikuPrajna:

These poems will be collected in future editions of the HaikuPrajna Collection.


20240921 - Star Wars - Episode I: The Phantom Menace ... Haiku Prajna [Book Review]


Space knights save the Queen, // the fate of the galaxy // balanced by the One

... Star Wars - Episode I: The Phantom Menace ... Haiku Prajna [Book Review] 

Read online


2023 08 08 - 2023 10 13 

Hello reader,

Been on a Star Wars binge, reading the novelizations for the Skywalker Saga and other books featuring Anakin/Vader, starting with Terry Brooks’s “The Phantom Menace”, a story about a boy liberated from the desert planet Tatooine who finds himself in the middle of a sci-fi fantasy with knights protecting the Queen of Naboo from an assassin in league with the living embodiment of darkness.

The novel opens with Anakin podracing on Tatooine while using the Force without knowing, like how A New Hope started with Vader on the Rebel’s ship above his home planet; here, one can begin noticing and appreciating the trend of the Prequels mirroring their Original Trilogy counterparts [TPM+ANH, AotC+ESB, RotS+RotJ].

A common theme with Anakin is liberation, that of others and of himself, his own liberation being that of the galaxy's due to the plot needing to fit within certain ideas set by the original movies, which I think it succeeded with, using Anakin’s plot-armour as a plot point in these stories, what with George Lucas’s ideas for the Whills and the introduction of midi-chlorians, which gave the impression of being a collective consciousness or intelligence that Force-sensitive beings could give their wills over to or take under their control to manifest what they need.

The titular Phantom Menace was making itself known, although Palpatine--his public persona being subjected to ANH-Vader-level banter, while amassing his first army as Darth Sidious--was still occluding Jedi like Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon, who were unable to explain the Trade Federation’s newfound backbone, nor their anxiety over an elusive darkness.

In Qui-Gon telling Obi-Wan to ignore the impending darkness, the simple interactions between apprentice and Master highlight the core consequence of the Republic’s and its Jedi Order’s philosophies. The Jedi’s dispassion, instead of wielding it right, allowed the Sith to wield the Will of the Force with the dark side to fuel their own passions.

Extra scenes missing from the movie were heartfelt, even if they felt forced at times. The plot of The Phantom Menace feels more connected here; the movie feels like a highlight reel in comparison.

Overall, the novel has better development of really important ideas, such as sowing early Anakin dark-side seeds like survival tactics for a slave, his fear of losing his mother early on, and using the Force to pilot pod-racers and star-ships, to foreshadow his future cyborg body. Qui-Gon sensing the benefit of seemingly insignificant life with Jar-Jar acted as foreshadowing for his adoption of Anakin, and for the Jedi Council’s skepticism and wariness of the so-called Chosen One. Jar-Jar, as a stand-in for the Han-Chewie duo who are removed from the Force, was used to foreshadow a lot, including real minor choices shown in the movie, like when Jar-Jar was attacked for stealing which showed why Qui-Gon decided against doing so when gambling with Watto for the hyperdrive.

There were more Darth Maul scenes with dialogue, including extended and well described fight scenes, like the desert encounter which had Maul chasing Jinn onto the Naboo ship as it was in the air. A Darth Bane mention alongside some Sith lore was included for Legends worldbuilding too.

Thanks to The Phantom Menace novelization by Terry Brooks, readers should better appreciate the plot of Sidious playing both sides of the impending Clone Wars. The Prequel-era can be summed up as Palpatine's indirect subterfuge against Kenobi, by taking Anakin from him for killing Maul [haha].

Thank you for reading,

Until next time!

Allen W. McLean



Rest in Peace, James Earl Jones.


Need more Bite-sized Insights to relieve your stress and suffering?

Share, subscribe or leave a comment, it means the world to authors and is the easiest way to support the work you read, as your comments will reach other readers! @HaikuPrajna @ElectricArmchair

Get one of Allen's eBooks for free, listen to April's music and follow online or by email 

I write mindfulness meditation scifaiku and haiku poetry on my book reviews and on previews of my metaphysical stories, such as "Escape Perennial City". Read all of my books and writing online at HaikuPrajna 

Show your support with our Handmade Art Works, Book Merch, and Clay Quirks at APRILandALLEN's

April's psychedelic music videos, art and poetry is available on all streaming platforms at Electric Armchair

APRILandALLEN’s Project Roadmap is our photo book and video log series where subscribed Patreon readers have access to archives with photos, captions and videos which will be collected in future APRILandALLEN’s books--visit our Patreon to submit to our public poetry prompt and view more free features, including the latest Project Roadmap Updates and Theatre calendars!

Read more HaikuPrajna:

These poems will be collected in future editions of the HaikuPrajna Collection.


20230813 HaikuPrajna - Holes [Book Review]


One step at a time, // hat in hand, shovel the dirt // until you strike gold.

#HaikuPrajna - Holes [Book Review]

Read online [ ]


Hello reader,

I first read Holes by Louis Sachar when I was ten years old for a grade five elementary school reading assignment with the rest of the class, a few years after the movie was released. Back then, it stuck with me for its explanation of the Yelnats family being lucky rather than having good or bad luck. 

Now, upon reading almost twenty years later, what I loved about this story was how the cast displayed the effects of prolonged stress and anger on one's morality, where children like Stanley have to choose between being friends with or bullying one another, all in the name of freedom of digging another hole.

The desert of Camp Green Lake hardened both body and soul of the camp counselors and the kids alike. Though, this led to Stanley’s appreciation for the slightest relief and an inclination toward the least stressful position, which would end up saving him and the others. Mind you, the other kids were sentenced for juvenile delinquency just like Stanley [though he was wrongfully convicted], but the novel is quick to tell their stories and the situations that led to the present, where they each found themselves in positions of distrust and punishment, regardless if they told the truth or lied or indeed committed a felony. 

Holes also is unafraid to jump between narratives and time periods in order to convey just what the reader needs to understand, with a conversational narrator that guides readers along with effortless ease; remember to gauge your expectations just a bit when reading this as an adult as, again, I first read this when I was ten and the movie is a Disney Pictures presentation.

The men of the Yelnats family were quick to blame their misfortunes and poor luck on a cursed ancestor, all of whom were named after the ancestor's son, an integral plot point to one of the narratives, while characters like Stanley's mom help the Stanleys appreciate what good fortune they do have. 

The youngest Stanley Yelnats had used this good sense to trade a day-off for the knowledge that he might be able to find another treasure that would give him and the agreed-upon leader of the kids a day off from digging each, and it was this adherence to morality that would, without his immediate knowing that it could, lead to his entire family's liberation. This tough-love approach led to the story's curses being described as natural occurrences like the yellow spotted lizards and the drought that crippled the once prosperous Green Lake, where only those good enough to bear it would reap its fruits.

All this is symbolized as a form of God's divine justice, where Green Lake’s torture was turning hearts cold since the Wild West. The Warden of Camp Green Lake grew up digging holes her whole life--herself a descendant of a cursed ancestor, too, but in stark contrast to Stanley. Like most takes on generational trauma, this story says one is unrestricted by another’s past and one is able to break away from preconceived notions of hereditary curses, rather than blaming every issue on others and thus stripping oneself of said ability. It is less about blood relations and more about being a good person, which in turn unlocks the goods of the past; this was shown in Zero telling the truth, he was a good kid who did something bad without realizing, but he still did good in the end despite all the bad being done to him, where in the end he was saved by Sam’s sunken boat until Stanley rescued him.

Stanley Yelnats and Hector Zeroni overcame what had been said to be impossible odds, dealing with their stress and suffering one literal step at a time. With their journey from Camp Green Lake on the edge of the dried up lake out to God’s Thumb where Sam’s onions grew, readers thread all these plot points together in a gradual, yet satisfying experience meant to inspire children to overcome their less apparent obstacles, like it did for me so many years ago. I believe, under all the dirt and drama, Holes is a story about the benefits of literature on children, with Hector and Stanley’s bond over teaching Hector how to read, and with devices like palindromes and poetry used in the background to serve ethical lessons that were still constructive to the plot. 

The poem that was shared between the Zeroni and Yelnats families signified, to me, how one becomes blind to opportunity when they believe they have poor luck, and I thought the palindrome Stanley Yelnats was a great metaphor for being able to see one’s so-called bad luck as its mirror opposite.

Holes was, and still is a fantastic story that I think parents and children alike would enjoy and should still read and watch today.

Thank you for reading,

Until next time!

Allen W. McLean


Need more Bite-sized Insights to relieve your stress and suffering? 

All readers get an eBook each week on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays--short stories rotate every month, follow via email to collect them all! [ ]

Trailer [ ]

BATTLE Colosseum, the latest chapter in the "FLUKE!" series, has been released as a paperback novella and as an ebook on Amazon Kindle Unlimited! Add to Goodreads and learn more [ ] 

Read Kindle ebooks on any device at

[NEW] Show support with Handmade Art Works, Book Merch, and Clay Quirks [ ]

Electric Armchair - After Party (Full Album) [ ]

April's psychedelic music videos, art and poetry is available on all streaming platforms; Electric Armchair - The Forest Machine (Official Music Video) [ ]

Submit to the #HaikuPrajnaChallenge [ ]

I write mindfulness meditation scifaiku and haiku poetry on my book reviews and on previews of my metaphysical stories, such as "Escape Perennial City". Read more here [ ]

Thanks to you, I am now a VERIFIED BOOK AUTHOR with over TWO-THOUSAND (2000!) readers who have joined us on Medium! "Ado the Owl" and "Hector Blake" are available to read, right now, on Medium. [ ] 

Subscribed readers on Patreon have access to an archive with exclusive photos and captions that will be featured in upcoming paperback APRILandALLEN's Roadmap books.

230630 Project Roadmap [ ]

Support by connecting online [ ]



Goodreads (Author Profile)

LinkedIn (email)


Social media 

Electric Armchair




Instagram & Threads

These poems will be collected in future editions of the HaikuPrajna Collection.


20230609 HaikuPrajna - Dawn of the Planet of the Apes: Firestorm [Book Review] [UPDATED Pride Month + Local Author's Showcase]


Drawn to leadership, \\ Power exists in vacuums \\ Like burning redwoods.

#HaikuPrajna - Dawn of the Planet of the Apes: Firestorm [Book Review]

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Hello readers,

Before getting to the review...

Happy Pride Month! April and I have been attending events here in Brampton and the Greater Toronto Area, celebrating the parts of our identities that we love to express through our work. The Overseer, a prominent character in my more recent works, is a non-binary superhero that I am writing about in order to cope with and express this perspective that I and others I know experience.

Also, the Brampton Library’s 2023-2024 Local Authors Showcase is taking place at the Gage Park Farmers Market on Saturday June 17th between 8am and 1pm!!

My story “Together in Forever'' is being added to the Brampton Library catalogue, and readers have the opportunity to connect with authors while browsing the other vendors during one of the weekends of Brampton’s annual Farmers Market. 

Come visit our table to get the paperback books, homemade stickers, self-printed art and polymer clay charms we will be selling--they make great presents for the readers you know and love! [I intend to update this post with our menu before the event]

Huge thank you to Julia and the rest of the Brampton Library faculty for all the assistance and for giving local authors this opportunity to connect with others!

Read more -

[UPDATE #2 230618

Here are some images from our Local Author Showcase table! 

Thank you everyone for coming out! We met new friends and saw familiar faces during a warm summer morning and afternoon. Was a real great day, made even better because later that evening we got to spend an early Father's Day watching The Super Mario Bros. Movie with my dad while eating dinner with my side of the family.

I will add these to the upcoming Roadmap update, too.

Thank you for reading and for getting something from the sales after the photos!


[ UPDATED 20230616

For those who are unable to join us at the Farmer's Market for the Local Author's Showcase, there is a week-long Kindle eBook sale and promo on some of the stories that can be found at Brampton Library.

BATTLE Colosseum Pt. I: Hiding One's Tracks 

... [FREE until 2023 06 20]

FREE WEDNESDAYS in addition to the usual Mondays and Fridays. Also added "Ado the Owl" and "Hector Blake" to the Mondays and Fridays.




The below sales apply to US/UK stores only;

BATTLE Colosseum Pt. II: Unified Field Theory

... [$0.99 until 2023 06 23]

Together in Forever Pt. I-III

... [$0.99 until 2023 06 23]

Fishing for Caribou

... [$1.99 until 2023 06 23]

Escape Perennial City

... [$1.99 until 2023 06 23]

Thank you again for reading and for visiting our shop!]

Now for the review...

I have always enjoyed reading adaptations from Titan Publishing, and Greg Keyes’ Dawn of the Planet of the Apes: Firestorm was a great tie-in novel that I am thankful for over how it captures Caesar and this version of the franchise. 

Keyes blended relatable and tragic original characters, such as Malakai, with more recognizable members of the series, including Gary Oldman’s Dreyfus and all the other sasquatch-like evolved apes--like Koba and Maurice--who are more inexperienced and are still learning about their changing world.

Firestorm takes place in the San Francisco Bay redwood forests area from “Rise” before civilization fell by the time period of the sequel movie, “Dawn”. Its story is really carried by its connection to that series; the best parts of the book in itself were its multiple points of view, which seldom converged [in a good way], along with its depiction of Caesar’s colony’s thoughts, memories, motives and inner conflicts.

The rest of the book’s highlights come from the interactions between members of Caesar’s colony. Some favourites include Cornelia and Caesar’s relationship, him recognizing Koba overcoming his vengeance, the government’s coverup of the previous story’s events and insight into what the apes think about the humans and their technology [GPS trackers and TVs].

I had a few minor complaints, though.

The dialogue at times felt “cinematic”, for lack of a better word; there were some instances where I felt characterization was forced or edgy. I even found some spelling and grammar mistakes, which however did nothing to detract from the plot. As I said, the story is carried by its connection to the larger PotA series, and served to bridge the gaps between the movies by exploring aspects like the human Alpha-Omega extremists, and that is where Firestorm really works out. 

Back to the good, there is a little neoplatonic idealism [aka. philosophy] that threads the book together, where characters accept and transcend the negative aspects of their apocalyptic situations. While both human and simian characters were faced with certain death and the fear of each other, the focus is without a doubt on the colony with apes like Caesar and Koba being used to explore topics ranging from Plato’s Cave to more abstract ideas such as the ALZ drug opening a kind of empty space in the minds of the apes, which explained the apparent fatal regression in the human’s. 

Time to read the other novels based on this series.

Thank you for reading,

Until next time!

Allen W. McLean 


Need more Bite-sized Insights to relieve your stress and suffering?

Banner : Tomothy and the Overseer of the Forest

All readers get an eBook each week on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays--short stories rotate every month, follow via email to collect them all!

Amazon Author Profile [ ]

I write mindfulness meditation scifaiku and haiku poetry on my book reviews and on previews of my metaphysical stories, such as "Escape Perennial City". Learn more about my reviews here [ ]

230331 Project Roadmap [ ]

Submit to the HaikuPrajna Challenge! [ ]

[NEW] Show support with Handmade Merch - Artworks, Book Merch, and Clay Quirks


Support by connecting online [ ]



Support my writing on Medium

Thanks to you, I am now a VERIFIED BOOK AUTHOR with over TWO-THOUSAND (2000!) readers who have joined us on Medium! Need to stay in the Medium Partner Program? Please follow and turn on email notifications; I will follow you back! "Ado the Owl" and "Hector Blake" are available to read, right now, on Medium.

Goodreads (Author Profile)

LinkedIn (email)


Social media 






April's psychedelic music videos, art and poetry is available on all streaming platforms; Electric Armchair - Pleasure Pain (Official Music Video) [ ]

Electric Armchair - After Party (Full Album) [ ]

Trailer [ ]

BATTLE Colosseum, the latest chapter in the "FLUKE!" series, has been released as a paperback novella and as an ebook on Amazon Kindle Unlimited! Add to Goodreads and learn more [ ] 

Support by buying a sticker [ ] 

Kindle ebooks can be read on any device at

These poems will be collected in future editions of the HaikuPrajna Collection.


20230517 HaikuPrajna - Briar Rose [Book Review]


Fairy-gifted sleep \\ within the castle of thorns. \\ Fate of a rose bed.

#HaikuPrajna - Briar Rose [Book Review]

Read online [ ]


Hello readers,

Briar Rose is the Sleeping Beauty fairytale by the Brothers Grimm. A King and Queen wished for a child, which went unanswered until being granted to the Queen by a frog. 

In celebration, the new parents invite all the Wise Women, except one, to bestow their gifts on the princess just like this story's better known forms.

Before all the gifts were given, the uninvited thirteenth fairy interrupted their party and spoke only a curse, that the princess would prick herself on a spindle and die after she turned fifteen. The twelfth fairy, unable to prevent fate, was able to use her gift to alter the terms to be a century-long sleep, but the King nonetheless kept all spindles away from his daughter.

She grew up and was said to be beautiful and loved by everyone, but by the time she turned fifteen she had never seen a spindle before and her ignorance, never even knowing it existed, had led to her curiosity toward the first she ever saw [this one seems more like a lesson for the parents]. The entire castle falls into a kind of stasis as Briar-rose falls asleep after pricking her finger.

Over the next hundred years, a story spreads of a castle behind the wall of thorns, with many dying in an attempt to breach the bushes. 

A Prince, after listening to the story, walked through the thorns and among the castle's beautiful flowers the day the curse was to be lifted. Queue the kiss upon awakening followed by an immediate bedding and wedding. 

My immediate perception, shared by some other readers, was that the prince saved the agentless damsel in distress, but I believe that underneath this fairytale cliche hides the concept of predetermined fate, in this case from a curse casted by somebody else, where the prince was just the latest in a line of men who had died during similar attempts but who was just in the right place at the right time for Briar-rose to reawaken by herself, thanks to the twelfth fairy's gift.

The prince had little agency in Briar-rose’s fateful awakening, in this version of Sleeping Beauty, and he was in fact swept up at once into her Happily Ever After. 

In the follow-up tale, the prince’s previous fate hindered his new royal family's when the prince’s mother--or first wife--was revealed to be part Ogre, further solidifying Briar Rose's lesson of overcoming one's belief in their own fate.

Thank you for reading,

Until next time!

Allen W. McLean 

PS. April 23rd was the fourth annual HaikuPrajna Day, celebrating my haiku journey; submit to the #HaikuPrajnaChallenge, a monthly poetry prompt, to participate in the occasion! [ ]

PPS. Hello readers, we're having a flash sale and free ebook promo for this Victoria Day Weekend on select stories!

Kindle $0.99 sales

Together in Forever Part III

Falgara the Giant

Summond the Scarecrow

SM-SARA [1st release!] FREE! [until May 23rd 2023]

Smashwords, Indigo Chapters Kobo and more - FREE!!

Ado the Owl

Hector Blake

Promotions run until May 24th 2023! [Amazon until the 26th!}

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April's psychedelic music videos, art and poetry is available on all streaming platforms; Electric Armchair - Rain At Night (Official Animated Music Video) [ ]

Electric Armchair - After Party (Full Album) [ ]

Part I Trailer [ ]

BATTLE Colosseum Pt II: Unified Field Theory is available on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited! Add to Goodreads and learn more [ ] 

Kindle ebooks can be read on any device at

These poems will be collected in future editions of the HaikuPrajna Collection.


20230504 HAIKUPRAJNA - Star Wars: Darth Vader (2015) [Comic Book Review]


Underestimate \\ an independent vessel, \\ forcing its order.

#HAIKUPRAJNA - Star Wars: Darth Vader (2015) [Comic Book Review]

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Hello readers,

Happy Star Wars Day! I had read Kieron Gillen’s 2015 Darth Vader run while it first released and I often reread its 25 issues, spaced between its four books and one crossover event; Vader, Shadows and Secrets, Vader Down, The Shu-Torun War, End of Games.

These stories were part of the new Disney canon and featured a Starkiller like story with behind-the-Empire’s back adventures, introducing Doctor Aphra as a twist on the hidden apprentice trope, along with the titular Sith earning his title as Lord Vader while dealing with the Empire’s disrespect until then, when they all get their comeuppance. 

Vader’s one of my favourite characters, and Gillen wrote him well with Mustafar flashbacks when disabled, fighting his PTSD rather than “the light” fighting against “the dark”. Vader is broken and he was trying to live with his actions instead of wiping them away. On my most recent read throughs, I kept visualizing Hayden Christensen behind the mask, like in the Obi Wan Kenobi series.

Vader is a straight up murderer, though; any who sides with the Empire is tyrannical and in the company of backstabbers who will both reward and punish insubordination.

Highlights of the series include cyborg clones, Vader being independent of Palpatine’s Empire, other Imperials like the monocle guy believing in the Empire more than the Emperor, thinking Vader was better for the Galaxy than Palpatine, and Vader using the Force and sheer plot armour to make statistical impossibilities possible.

Both as Anakin and Vader, he wanted to establish order and he believed in his faith to overcome any hindrance. This pitted science versus the Force as the ruling power behind the Empire, which was interesting because it showed how the Galaxy at large thought the Force was a fairytale, while acting as an example for Vader's manifestation-like Force usage, his stronger willpower and his being more attuned to one's structure--to what one believes in.

Thank you for reading,

Until next time!

Allen W. McLean 

PS. April 23rd was the fourth annual HaikuPrajna Day, celebrating my haiku journey; submit to the #HaikuPrajnaChallenge, a monthly poetry prompt, to participate in the occasion! [ ]

PPS.  Happy #freecomicbookday2023! Here's our haul, thanks to Mom and Dad coming along #fcbd #FreeComicBookDay #comics #marvel #disney #nintendo #spiderman #venom #AnimalCrossing #kirby #avengers #xmen 


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All readers are gifted a Kindle eBook on Fridays and Mondays! Short stories rotate every few weeks - Follow My Author Profile [ ]

I write mindfulness meditation scifaiku and haiku poetry on my book reviews and on previews of my metaphysical stories, such as "Escape Perennial City". Learn more about my reviews here [ ]

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Thanks to you, I am now a VERIFIED BOOK AUTHOR with over TWO-THOUSAND (2000!) readers who have joined us on Medium! Need to stay in the Medium Partner Program? Please follow and turn on email notifications; I will follow you back! "Ado the Owl" and "Hector Blake" are available to read, right now, on Medium.

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April's psychedelic music videos, art and poetry is available on all streaming platforms; Electric Armchair - Rain At Night (Official Animated Music Video) ]

Electric Armchair - After Party (Full Album) [ ]

Part I Trailer [ ]

BATTLE Colosseum Pt II: Unified Field Theory is available on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited! Add to Goodreads and learn more [ ] 

Kindle ebooks can be read on any device at

These poems will be collected in future editions of the HaikuPrajna Collection.


20230501 HAIKUPRAJNA - Fantastic Mr. Fox [Book Review]


Digging deeper holes // to provide for one’s others, // a communal feast.

#HAIKUPRAJNA - Fantastic Mr. Fox [Book Review]

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Hello readers,

Fantastic Mr. Fox is a short novel by Roald Dahl, illustrated by Quentin Blake, about the supportive Fox family unit’s cooperative survival.

Mr. Fox provides for his family by stealing from farmers Borris, Bunce and Bean, who are all caricatures of gluttony. During an escapade, Mr. Fox loses his tail while retreating from the farmers, becoming a symbol for how lucky he was to be in pain but alive while being so unlucky to be a fox without a tail.

The three become fixated on capturing the Foxes, going so far as to destroy the surrounding forest in an effort to dig up the foxhole, and they set up camp just outside of their cave to starve out the family. 

When the desperate Mr. Fox and his hungry children go digging into the farm storehouses, readers are given a tough piece of moral philosophy to chew on, courtesy of Badger and Mr. Fox, in the form of their necessity to do wrong in order to survive and do good for others in need. 

Roald Dahl’s Fantastic Mr. Fox confronts themes of duality, where a sly thief is heralded as a fantastic Robin Hood-esque hero, while the three farmers are shown to each be providing for those living or working on the farms in a similar manner to the burrowing animals--but Mr. Fox was fantastic because of his discipline and willingness to help those in need, juxtaposed with the fixations of the farmers and the rat in the cider basement.

Thank you for reading,

Until next time!

Allen W. McLean 

PS. April 23rd was the fourth annual HaikuPrajna Day, celebrating my haiku journey; submit to the #HaikuPrajnaChallenge, a monthly poetry prompt, to participate in the occasion! [ ]


Need more Bite-sized Insights to relieve your stress and suffering?

Banner : Tomothy and the Overseer of the Forest

All readers are gifted a Kindle eBook on Fridays and Mondays! Short stories rotate every few weeks - Follow My Author Profile [ ]

I write mindfulness meditation scifaiku and haiku poetry on my book reviews and on previews of my metaphysical stories, such as "Escape Perennial City". Learn more about my reviews here [ ]

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Thanks to you, I am now a VERIFIED BOOK AUTHOR with over TWO-THOUSAND (2000!) readers who have joined us on Medium! Need to stay in the Medium Partner Program? Please follow and turn on email notifications; I will follow you back! "Ado the Owl" and "Hector Blake" are available to read, right now, on Medium.

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April's psychedelic music videos, art and poetry is available on all streaming platforms; Electric Armchair - Pleasure Pain (Official Music Video) [ ]

Electric Armchair - After Party (Full Album) [ ]

Part I Trailer [ ]

BATTLE Colosseum Pt II: Unified Field Theory is available on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited! Add to Goodreads and learn more [ ] 

Kindle ebooks can be read on any device at

These poems will be collected in future editions of the HaikuPrajna Collection.

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