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Showing posts with label Tomothy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tomothy. Show all posts


20230622 HaikuPrajna - Deforms - ZOO WHO Wave 01: The Elephant


Trusting the order, // Together at a distance // Never far from home

#HaikuPrajna - Deforms - ZOO WHO Wave 01: The Elephant

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Hello readers,

We are ecstatic to reveal our first online handmade merchandise on the brand-new APRILandALLEN’s shop; from Deforms, our clay charm figurine line, adopt a member of The Elephant herd, the first wave in ZOO WHO, our animal-based series that uses the rainbow’s seven colours, or take control of your own fate with one of four unique forms of Eye Die, our series of playing dice who keep their eye on low probabilities to even the odds in your favour.

Adopt yours now via Etsy - 

Our approach and ideas toward sculpting have evolved in a considerable way since we first set out planning our first series of figurines, where ZOO WHO and the Eye Die are just the cream of the crop at the time of writing, so stay tuned to our socials for new waves of figurines and other merch; we are inspired by product lines from Marvel, Hasbro, Sanrio and many more brands from our childhoods while hand-sculpting and hand-painting these clay charms.

ZOO WHO's The Elephant in particular is tied to HaikuPrajna through Elephant in the Room and The Wisps Book's Terraform Tomothy, while Eye Die is an official piece of Electric Armchair merchandise!

Store Description [

*Multi-functional clay figurine charm*

*It can perch from a shelf or desk - or hang from a keychain, bracelet, necklace, phone, bag, etc..*


Every elephant is unique in sculpt and colour, part of the herd, even when apart. They can sense each other from a distance. Owners may name their buddy (example: Joe the rose red elephant). 


Good luck is an elephant's trunk raised high so owners never feel far from home.


Each painted elephant hangs from a string, and comes packaged in a clear plastic sleeve with a haiku on the tag.

Keep in mind that your buddy is a one-of-a-kind handmade charm, and should be handled with care.


For any questions, comments, or more details, please reach out to us on Etsy Messages or social media @Electric Armchair and @Haiku Prajna.


APRIL and ALLEN's Art Works, Book Merch, and Clay Quirks

We are April and Allen. We have been together for over a decade, creating eclectic projects and bouncing ideas off each other. We create our projects with almost too much care and thought, and the projects just keep getting bigger and better! Be part of our process, and let us be part of yours! ]


We have lots of plans in motion for this, including videos that document our process; thank you for your support and for helping make these dreams a reality! 

Thank you for reading,

Until next time!

Allen W. McLean 


Need more Bite-sized Insights to relieve your stress and suffering?

Banner : Tomothy and the Overseer of the Forest

All readers get an eBook each week on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays--short stories rotate every month, follow via email to collect them all!

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I write mindfulness meditation scifaiku and haiku poetry on my book reviews and on previews of my metaphysical stories, such as "Escape Perennial City". Learn more about my reviews here [ ]

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Thanks to you, I am now a VERIFIED BOOK AUTHOR with over TWO-THOUSAND (2000!) readers who have joined us on Medium! Need to stay in the Medium Partner Program? Please follow and turn on email notifications; I will follow you back! "Ado the Owl" and "Hector Blake" are available to read, right now, on Medium.

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April's psychedelic music videos, art and poetry is available on all streaming platforms; Electric Armchair - Pleasure Pain (Official Music Video) [ ]

Electric Armchair - After Party (Full Album) [ ]

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BATTLE Colosseum, the latest chapter in the "FLUKE!" series, has been released as a paperback novella and as an ebook on Amazon Kindle Unlimited! Add to Goodreads and learn more [ ] 

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Kindle ebooks can be read on any device at

These poems will be collected in future editions of the HaikuPrajna Collection.


20221205 - Protective Fear [ Ado the Owl - Official Release Announcement ]

Fall into darkness, // unable to see escape, // listening for threats.
#HAIKUPRAJNA - Protective Fear [ Ado the Owl - Official Release ]

Hello readers,

Ado the Owl is now available on ebook stores!

You can read Ado the Owl for $0.99US/CA on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo and more.

Here is a wall of links where you can find Ado the Owl; 

. Goodreads [ ]

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Ado the Owl is the second piece of flash fiction in The Wisps Book; following Tomothy and the Overseer of the Forest, the Terraforms lose sight of the owl, who struggles to escape the darkness of their worries.

Book store blurb; 

" Ado the Owl, while on a stroll with the Overseer of the Forest, fell into a cave and was unable to escape or fly away.

The other Terraforms looked down, noticing that Ado had fallen into the cave, but the Terraforms disappeared one by one.

Because of this, Ado started to believe the Forest's cave was protecting them from a predator outside.

The Owl listened close, in case the others would return.

But Ado the Owl was unsure about calling out for help--they worried over attracting the predator. " 

. Images: banner, cover, Ado, logo 

Thank you for reading, please share your thoughts.

Allen W. McLean 


Need more Bite-sized Insights to relieve your stress and suffering?

Banner: The Cannon by Allen W. McLean

Readers are gifted a Kindle eBook on Fridays and Mondays--short story selection rotates every few weeks, so follow via email or visit My Author Profile [ ]

I write mindfulness meditation scifaiku and haiku poetry on my book reviews and on previews of my metaphysical stories, such as "Escape Perennial City".

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Thanks to you, over 700 readers have joined us on Medium! Need to stay in the Medium Partner Program? Please follow and turn on email notifications; I'll follow you back!

I have free short stories available to read, right now, on Medium:

. "Ado the Owl" [ ]

. "Hector Blake" [ ]

April's psychedelic music videos, art and poetry is available on all streaming platforms; Electric Armchair - Pixie Lead (Official Music Video) [ Amorphous I ]: [ ]

Electric Armchair - Amorphous I (FULL ALBUM) : [ ]

My metaphysical short story "ULTRAVIOLET" is available as an eBook on Kindle apps and devices; read right now with Kindle Unlimited. Add to Goodreads and learn more : [ ]

Kindle ebooks can be read on any device at

These poems will be collected in future editions of the HaikuPrajna Collection. 


20220930 - Tomothy and the Overseer of the Forest [Official Trailer]

Losing sight of loss, \\ the bigger picture's been found, \\ following the end.
HAIKUPRAJNA - Tomothy and the Overseer of the Forest [Official Trailer]

Hello readers,




"Tomothy and the Overseer of the Forest" is available as a digital exclusive ebook on Amazon Kindle! Kindle Unlimited subscribers read for free!

(Image: Excerpt from "Tomothy and the Overseer of the Forest")

"Tomothy and the Overseer of the Forest" is a Metaphysical Fiction short story that I wrote on Mother's Day 2022 which follows the titular Terraform as they search the sentient Forest that they call home for the Forest's missing Overseer. The story focuses on the relationship one has with beings greater than oneself, which is symbolized through both Tomothy being a part of a larger Forest, and through the Forest being unable to see the Overseer, along with themes of mindfulness and metaphysics.

(Image: Banner)

The following is the blurb for the Amazon Kindle ebook;

" Tomothy watered the flowers, tended to the branches and assisted the other Terraforms of the Forest, the symbiotic relationships between organic minerals like Tom the ceramic elephant and biologic life like Timothy the kalanchoe, having been tasked by the Overseer of the Forest to help keep the Forest in order.

Once upon a time, the Forest believed the Overseer of the Forest had disappeared. The Forest without the Overseer was as if Tomothy was without the Forest, and so Tomothy was compelled to check all the things, every piece, from the clacking rocks to the walls of vines and moss. Tomothy was the hand which the Forest used to order its parts, but had never seen the Overseer, so they too assumed the Overseer had gone missing.

Though, searching for the Overseer had left the Forest in disorder--but Tomothy was determined to help the Forest see the Overseer again. "

(Images: ebook cover, then Title Page) 

Tomothy is the first in a series of Terraform stories, which will each follow one of the Forest's automata; we plan for over fifty symbiont-host relationships! 

Thank you for reading.

Allen W. McLean 


Need more Bite-sized Insights to relieve your stress and suffering?

Readers can follow HaikuPrajna and Electric Armchair via our emailing lists (on Medium, Patreon, LinkedIn and more) for mindfulness meditation scifaiku and haiku poetry based on book reviews and on previews of metaphysical stories such as "Escape Perennial City" (available on Kindle Unlimited); as a free gift, all readers get an Amazon Kindle ebook short story every week on Free Fridays--selection rotates every few weeks, so follow via email to collect them all! 

Thanks to you, over 500 followers have joined us on Medium! If anyone reading this needs followers to stay in the Medium Partner Program, I am asking you to please follow me (and sign up for emails!) and I'll follow you back!

Leave a comment with books you would like to see reviewed and I will add them to my Goodreads!!

Always open to reading book recommendations. Looking forward to adding new friends on Goodreads, to share what we read with each other:

Have been looking for other free kindle books to read, ones that are only free for a day or so, so if you have an ebook on Kindle feel free to share them and I'll download!

April's latest psychedelic music videos, art and poetry is available on all streaming platforms.

Electric Armchair - Living Ghosts (FULL ALBUM):

"Tomothy and the Overseer of the Forest" is available as an eBook through Amazon Kindle apps and devices; read right now with Kindle Unlimited!

Kindle ebooks can be read on any device through one's web browser at

These poems will be collected in future editions of the HaikuPrajna Collection.


"Together in Forever" is available in eBook, paperback and hardcover through Amazon Kindle apps and devices; read right now with Kindle Unlimited!

Kindle ebooks can be read on any device through one's web browser at

These poems will be collected in future editions of the HaikuPrajna Collection. 


20220921 - Terraforms of the Forest + "Tomothy and the Overseer of the Forest" Announcement


A part within me, \\ forever, a part of you, \\ even when apart.
#HAIKUPRAJNA - Terraforms of the Forest

Hello readers,

"Tomothy and the Overseer of the Forest" is a very short story I wrote on Mother's Day, which I printed out and gave to my Mom for her birthday, and which follows the titular Terraform as they search the sentient Forest that they call home for the Forest's Overseer. 

"Tomothy and the Overseer of the Forest" will be a digital exclusive ebook on Amazon Kindle! Kindle Unlimited subscribers read for free!

The story focuses on the relationship one has with beings greater than oneself, which is symbolized through both Tomothy being a part of a larger Forest, and through the Forest being unable to see the Overseer. Tomothy is the first in a series of Terraform stories, which will each follow one of the Forest's automata. April and I are excited and busy at work to show off our endeavours; we plan for over fifty symbiont-host relationships!

(Image: Title Page) 

The following is the blurb that will appear on the Amazon store;

" Tomothy watered the flowers, tended to the branches and assisted the other Terraforms of the Forest, the symbiotic relationships between organic minerals like Tom the ceramic elephant and biologic life like Timothy the kalanchoe, having been tasked by the Overseer of the Forest to help keep the Forest in order.

Once upon a time, the Forest believed the Overseer of the Forest had disappeared. The Forest without the Overseer was as if Tomothy was without the Forest, and so Tomothy was compelled to check all the things, every piece, from the clacking rocks to the walls of vines and moss. Tomothy was the hand which the Forest used to order its parts, but had never seen the Overseer, so they too assumed the Overseer had gone missing. 

Though, searching for the Overseer had left the Forest in disorder--but Tomothy was determined to help the Forest see the Overseer again. "

(Image: Excerpt of "Tomothy and the Overseer of the Forest")

"Tomothy and the Overseer of the Forest" is slated to release on September 30th 2022. Anticipate the cover reveal and book-trailer soon!

Thank you for reading.

Allen W. McLean 

UPDATE 20220926:

PS. The page for "Together in Forever" has been updated with information about its book:


Need more Bite-sized Insights to relieve your stress and suffering?

Readers can follow HaikuPrajna and Electric Armchair via our emailing lists (on Medium, Patreon, LinkedIn and more) for mindfulness meditation scifaiku and haiku poetry based on book reviews and on previews of metaphysical stories such as "Escape Perennial City" (available on Kindle Unlimited); as a free gift, all readers get an Amazon Kindle ebook short story every week on Free Fridays--selection rotates every few weeks, so follow via email to collect them all! 

Thanks to you, over 500 followers have joined us on Medium! If anyone reading this needs followers to stay in the Medium Partner Program, I am asking you to please follow me (and sign up for emails!) and I'll follow you back!

Leave a comment with books you would like to see reviewed and I will add them to my Goodreads!!

Always open to reading book recommendations. Looking forward to adding new friends on Goodreads, to share what we read with each other:

Have been looking for other free kindle books to read, ones that are only free for a day or so, so if you have an ebook on Kindle feel free to share them and I'll download!

April's latest psychedelic music videos, art and poetry is available on all streaming platforms.

Electric Armchair - Living Ghosts (FULL ALBUM):

"Together in Forever" is available in eBook, paperback and hardcover through Amazon Kindle apps and devices; read right now with Kindle Unlimited!

Kindle ebooks can be read on any device through one's web browser at

These poems will be collected in future editions of the HaikuPrajna Collection. 


20220508 - Overseer of the Forest

Loving the Forest, / taking care of the living, / the hearts remember.
#HAIKUPRAJNA - Overseer of the Forest

Happy Mother's Day to the strongest and most hard working mother in the world. I love you forever, xo.

Thank you for reading.

Until next time,

Allen W. McLean

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