Yesterday, “Hector Blake” was posted! It needs one last proofread before it is ready for the next book in the HaikuPrajna Collection.
You can check the progress on “SM-SARA, and Other Stories” here:
Shifting gears to proofread and edit “Spear-thrower”. While all this is happening, I have been working on a fresh novel idea. Had to compile notes from two journals, so today’s haiku is on that.
Dissociation / from the Big-Ideas that be. / See the objective. (The Edwin Tripp Institution for Psychics)
Thank you for reading.
Until next time,
Allen W. McLean
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Books, art, music, poetry, prompts and a whole lot more from me and April (@electricarmchair)!
My first novel's, "Perennial City", full first chapter alongwith rough-chapter previews can be found here: