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20201213 - "Siddhartha"

“SM-SARA” has over forty poems collected for it, so far. Attached will be a screenshot of the script. In addition to compiling “SM-SARA” and editing “Spear-thrower”, I have been working on a separate novel idea that I am excited to share, as well, in the near future. 

Please follow this blog by either clicking the “Subscribe” button at the top of the page, or by following us on Twitter/Instagram/Facebook.

For today’s Goodreads’ #MyYearInBooks HaikuPrajna, we are reviewing one of my favorite books: Hermann Hesse’s “Siddhartha”. This is a beautiful story about a man’s search for spiritual liberation, for Nibbana. I believe that the titular protagonist’s journey is one that many modern-day readers can empathize with. Siddhartha abandons his family in search of teachings which his religious father cannot fulfill and, by taking on the numerous life-styles and systems of the world around him, he also transcends the lessons of the Buddha, of the market, and of love and parenthood; he transcends all of the suffering that we all have to take on, in order to achieve an inner-peace that is non-dependent on anything outside of himself. A fantastic book, and an easy read. 


Transcendence of all / the suffering we take on / to grow through our lives. (“Siddhartha”)

My Goodreads' 2020 #MyYearInBooks can be seen here:

"Spear-thrower" and stories from the upcoming "SM-SARA" Collection can be found here:

Will make a separate page for Spear-thrower soon!

While I pitch my first novel, "Perennial City", the full first chapter along with rough-chapter previews can be found here:

Thank you for reading.

Until next time,

Allen W. McLean

Please follow this blog via email by clicking the "Subscribe" button at the top of the page (or like us on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram) to see more of these bite-sized insights, AND so that you can read these projects as they are being produced!

Books, art, music, poetry, prompts and a whole lot more from me and April (@electricarmchair)!


20201212 - "Lord of the Flies"


Hello, good readers!

Hope the following news does not cause too much grief; after much contemplation, the 2020 NaNoWriMo Challenge story “Spear-thrower” will NOT be released with the upcoming second HaikuPrajna Collection, “SM-SARA”. “Spear-thrower” deserves a bit more love than it is currently being given, while the rest of the “SM-SARA” collection is ready to be launched. 

Therefore, “Spear-thrower” will be the headlining story of the third HaikuPrajna Collection!

This means the “SM-SARA” Collection will be released very soon! Once I have the manuscript and cover ready to be submitted, you will receive a pre-release announcement post with all the info surrounding the book. Releasing products like this is always very exciting for April and I.

Now, while the HaikuPrajna-Collection-train is moving steadily along its tracks, we are celebrating the #MyYearInBooks with for the rest of the month. Today’s haiku is based on William Golding’s “Lord of the Flies”. This is a book I first read in school, as I am sure most people were forced into doing. April has a copy from English class and I believe I still have my aunt’s from her high-school. 

The story speaks of “the end of innocence”. I always thought that the “darkness of man’s heart” was something that nature (as symbolized through boys like Ralph) had to fight against. Now, I like to think that “Lord of the Flies” was showing how the opposite is true, that the darkness of man is what is fighting against the innocence of nature, that the innocence is innate in all things and that one creates darkness, not the other way around. This is shown symbolically at the very end, where Jack’s tribe literally burns away all of their resources to get Ralph, like they had Piggy--only to break down in tears with Ralph upon being saved by the adult.


Darkness burns away / the island. Innocence lost, / found when the flames die. (“Lord of the Flies”)

My Goodreads' 2020 #MyYearInBooks can be seen here:

"Spear-thrower" and stories from the upcoming "SM-SARA" Collection can be found here:

Will make a separate page for Spear-thrower soon!

While I pitch my first novel, "Perennial City", the full first chapter along with rough-chapter previews can be found here:

Thank you for reading.

Until next time,

Allen W. McLean

Please follow this blog via email by clicking the "Subscribe" button at the top of the page (or like us on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram) to see more of these bite-sized insights, AND so that you can read these projects as they are being produced!

Books, art, music, poetry, prompts and a whole lot more from me and April (@electricarmchair)!

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