Personal savior,/ unfinished exegesis,/ touch the wound to heal. ("VALIS")
Hope everyone is having a safe and happy holidays. We made and ate lots of dinner, and have lots of leftovers for soups and sandwiches for the rest of the year!
Made a bit of progress on "Spear-thrower" this week, as well as my next novel idea. Working on defining the wisps. I think I have them figured out.
HaikuPrajna has been combing through #MyYearInBooks on #Goodreads, and today's book is "VALIS" by Philip K. Dick. The story is a fiction written to be a pseudo-documentary on Phil's religious experience in 1974, which the man had suffered through with sheer logic and determination. Horselover Fat's quest to find the Second Coming pieces together many religious beliefs and stories in order to synthesize a Hermetic tale of a single, continuously re-birthing savior. The epiphany is, unfortunately, lost on Fat and Phil, but the reader will learn how the savior is within us all.
Some of my favorite science fiction concepts, such as the Black Iron Prison, had originated with Phil, "VALIS" and "Radio Free Albemuth". Easily one of my biggest inspirations, and possibly my favorite author.
Screenshot: Spear-thrower Draft Two
My Goodreads' 2020 #MyYearInBooks can be seen here: https://haikuprajna.blogspot.com/p/goodreads-myyearinbooks.html
Previews of the upcoming "SM-SARA" HaikuPrajna Collection can be found here: https://haikuprajna.blogspot.com/p/sm-sara.html
While I pitch my first novel, "Perennial City", the full first chapter along with rough-chapter previews can be found here: https://haikuprajna.blogspot.com/p/perennial-city.html
Thank you for reading.
Until next time,
Allen W. McLean
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Books, art, music, poetry, prompts and a whole lot more from me and April (@electricarmchair)!