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20210727 - Review: "Final Crisis"

Embodied ideas\ outraced the death that is life\ "I AM THE NEW GOD"
#HAIKUPRAJNA - Review: "Final Crisis"

I had read "Final Crisis" earlier in the pandemic as my first stop in a Grant Morrison Batman-binge through to the "Convergence" storyline. In this 2008 comic book event, Morrison explores Plato and Plotinus's theory of ideas to define god-consciousness in the form of the anti-life equation, and through Superheroes as the embodiment of ideas. 

A New God is found dead; superhumans are drafted to fix the mess; Darkseid hijacks the internet, turns humanity into a repeater for anti-life and submits the Earth to wage slavery and an eternal holocaust; heroes like Wonder Woman are possessed by just cognizing anti-life with Darkseid as their hive-mind self. Packed with great moments; the ultimate evil plan was achieved, all ideas and concepts including death, space and time are folded into a singular form, Darkseid, who proclaims "I AM THE NEW GOD"; Superman being the literal "enemy of all existence"; Lasso of truth chained the god of evil, bound his body, reverts everyone without hurting them; age of men as gods; Superman using the miracle machine (which "turns thoughts into things") to wish for the best, for a happy ending.

The good guys win in the end by outracing The All which is Darkseid because "Flash Fact" time stops at lightspeed. "Final Crisis" is a fantastic story that conveys its philosophy well through DC's cast, and closes with Bruce Wayne making Batman an idea to be passed down from paleolithic times into the modern age.

These Goodreads poems will be collected in a future edition of the HaikuPrajna Collection.

"Escape Perennial City" eBook, paperback and hardcover are now available through Amazon and on Kindle apps and devices, read with Kindle Unlimited:

More bite-sized insights into this Metaphysical Superhero novel can be found in the link at the top of the page, including excerpts straight from the book!

Thank you for reading.

Until next time,

Allen W. McLean

For more bite-sized insights from HaikuPrajna and Electric Armchair, including free reading promotions on other books, please subscribe by email or follow on social media!

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20120725 - Mystifying Further

Creased fold in the sky\ casts a shadow on itself\ increasing worry
#HAIKUPRAJNA - Mystifying Further

This poem is based on my novel, "Escape Perennial City". These poems will be collected in a future edition of the HaikuPrajna Collection.

Fact: The City was named "Flower City" in the first drafts.

"Escape Perennial City" eBook, paperback and hardcover are now available through Amazon and on Kindle apps and devices, read with Kindle Unlimited:

More bite-sized insights into this Metaphysical Superhero novel can be found in the link at the top of the page, including excerpts straight from the book!

Thank you for reading.

Until next time,

Allen W. McLean

For more bite-sized insights from HaikuPrajna and Electric Armchair, including free reading promotions on books, please subscribe by email or follow on social media!

We're on Goodreads, Reddit, Pinterest, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram and more.  

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