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20230723 - With The Source [The Elephant in the Room - Second Edition]



Rising from the ash, \\ seeing where One had become, \\ where One will return.

#HaikuPrajna - With The Source [The Elephant in the Room - Second Edition]  

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Hello reader,

The Second Edition of Elephant in the Room is now available!

Read with Kindle Unlimited, order a physical copy or add it to your Goodreads!

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Editing this book has given me a chance for a retrospective reflection of my writing. I knew then that I was experimenting with publishing for the first time--and I realize that I will be for the rest of my life, I am sure...

Since this is some of my earliest “professional” writing, I went into editing this expecting to cringe--and I got some, but I also left feeling impressed. I feel inspired after reading what my younger self was producing. I was studying a lot of interesting topics for the first time during this era and was obsessed with retaining the wisdom, by applying the insight.

Cover for Elephant in the Room

This Second Edition has been re-edited and re-formatted myself, and features an all-new cover by my wife April Salisbury-White. These tales of epic poetry and flash fiction now fit in perfectly with the rest of Project Trinity’s stories featuring the Overseer, Richard Abendsen and all the other telekinetic heroes from the far-future Sol and Zeus Systems.

HaikuPrajna’s poetry focuses on themes like stress, serenity, concentration and meditation, where Elephant in the Room at first details lessons gained while studying philosophies such as Buddhism, Hermeticism and Neoplatonism, before diverting into fictional adventures centered on these ideas.

The round of “./sumatranus” poetry, the section “On Dependent Origination” before it, and all the following fiction can be considered a prequel to the other stories seen in books like “Fishing for Caribou”, “The Wisps Book” and “FLUKE!”. These books have risen from the ashes of a lost project like a literal phoenix, where the cumulative effect was the Sumatranus story and continuing writing when all had been lost to the digital ether; I could have quit then, but here we are with all the stories that we have today.

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Thank you for reading,

Until next time!

Allen W. McLean 


Need more Bite-sized Insights to relieve your stress and suffering? 

All readers get an eBook each week on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays--short stories rotate every month, follow via email to collect them all! [ ]

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BATTLE Colosseum, the latest chapter in the "FLUKE!" series, has been released as a paperback novella and as an ebook on Amazon Kindle Unlimited! Add to Goodreads and learn more [ ] 

Read Kindle ebooks on any device at

[NEW] Show support with Handmade Merch - Art Works, Book Merch, and Clay Quirks [ ]

Electric Armchair - After Party (Full Album) [ ]

April's psychedelic music videos, art and poetry is available on all streaming platforms; Electric Armchair - The Forest Machine (Official Music Video) [ ]

I write mindfulness meditation scifaiku and haiku poetry on my book reviews and on previews of my metaphysical stories, such as "Escape Perennial City". Read more here [ ]

Thanks to you, I am now a VERIFIED BOOK AUTHOR with over TWO-THOUSAND (2000!) readers who have joined us on Medium! "Ado the Owl" and "Hector Blake" are available to read, right now, on Medium. [ ] 

230630 Project Roadmap [ ]

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These poems will be collected in future editions of the HaikuPrajna Collection.


20230630 HaikuPrajna - The Elephant in the Room [Project Roadmap Update 2023 06]


The world is empty, // almost, and all that is, is // all that ever was.

#HaikuPrajna - The Elephant in the Room [Project Roadmap Update 2023 06]

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Hello reader,

It's April's birthday! We have been very busy this month and are out for birthday celebrations [as of finishing writing this, April and I had a fantastic time wandering around the beaches and ridges of Lake Ontario! Pictures soon to come, if not already on April's socials]; thank you for finding the time to join me in this summer’s HaikuPrajna Project Roadmap update.

Upcoming Releases

 [The HaikuPrajna Collection Book I: Elephant in the Room - Second Edition]

... The Second Edition of my first poetry collection is finished! The final step left is for April to finish the new cover image, so expect Elephant in the Room to stomp onto your reading list before the end of the month, July 2023. Other updates include less wasted page space, a new introduction with a retrospective reflection on some of my earliest work, and a complete re-editing of the flash fiction at the end of the book. 

The flash fiction stories featured in Book I are now considered part of Project Trinity along with Books II and III and the rest of my story catalog.

I know a lot of readers who enjoyed Elephant in the Room when it first released--I am very excited to reintroduce this book!

[The Wisps Book: Sol the Last Wisp]

... This story introduces Team Seer, the Overseer's group of heroes during the era of the Zeus System. While traversing Zeus's warped timespace, the Overseer fazes in and out of memories their Team shared with the Sol the Last Wisp, the System's former Sun. During this metaphysical sci-fi fantasy, the Seer must navigate through the literal cloud network of Sol's thoughts in order to reach his core at the centre of the Sun. But the Seer finds themselves drifting off course, becoming lost in these guilt-ridden moments in time. 

The Wisps Book's Sol the Last Wisp is in active production, stay tuned for future updates. 

[The HaikuPrajna Collection Book IV: Two Elephants in the Room]

… Before autumn 2023, Two Elephants in the Room will feature all of the book reviews and new poetry featured on HaikuPrajna up to the end of 2022, including the to-be-reviewed books that I had read in the year.

[Escape Perennial City - SM-SARA//KID:A Edition]

... The next Second Edition after Elephant in the Room will collect the three stories that feature Maverick Hunter Richard Abendsen. Starting with this book, the short stories featured in the second HaikuPrajna Collection, “SM-SARA, Poetry and Other Stories,” will each get physical editions or will be released within books like these Second Editions.

[ULTRAVIOLET - Paperback Edition]

... This edition will be identical to the Kindle Edition, but with updated Front and Back Matter, and the Paperback Edition will also serve as the physical release of one of The Wisps Book's short stories. 

Recent Releases

[BATTLE Colosseum]

The second part of BATTLE Colosseum, and a collected Physical Paperback are available online! Read more

Get your copy

In addition, we started the HaikuPrajna Challenge; check it out here 

Also, April designed a new HaikuPrajna logo! The original ‘W’ elephant is also preserved! 


April and I have a new shop! Our first two Etsy series are a hand sculpted polymer clay line of figurines called “Deforms”, and our official homemade stickers, “Sticker fix”!

We have already displayed our products in person at local events, which will soon be listed on the APRILandALLEN site.


Upcoming HaikuPrajna music reviews will be collected under a series titled “The Playlist”; you can preview and listen to the list of music on Spotify, here:

In addition to this list, our idea for a video game review series has evolved into a podcast that we are structuring. These ideas will also, soon, be applied to a daily movie watchlist. 

The Project Roadmap 

Anniversaries: Escape Perennial City, SM-SARA, Together in Forever 

Released Projects


[2019 04 23 HaikuPrajna Day, first IG post] 

[2019 06 16 SM-SARA Kindle Edition] 

[2019 11 10 Patreon]


[2020 04 04 The HaikuPrajna Collection: Elephant in the Room First Edition] 

[2020 12 02 Blogspot]


[2021 03 03 The HaikuPrajna Collection Book II: SM-SARA, Poems and Other Stories First Edition] 

[2021 06 13 Escape Perennial City] 

[2021 11 28 The HaikuPrajna Collection Book III: Fishing for Caribou]


[2022 03 03 The Artifact 

. 2022 03 10 SM-SARA - KID:A Edition 

. 2022 03 13 The Cannon 

. 2022 03 22 Hector Blake 

. 2022 04 01 The HaikuPrajna Collection Book II SM-SARA, Poetry and Other Stories, Second Edition] 

[2022 06 16 Together in Forever Pt. I 

. 2022 06 28 Together in Forever Pt II 

. 2022 07 25 Together in Forever Pt III 

. 2022 08 01 Together in Forever: A Short Story - Collected Paperback Pt. I-III]

[2022 09 30 The Wisps Book I: Tomothy and the Overseer of the Forest] 

[2022 10 29 FLUKE! Ch I: ULTRAVIOLET] 

[2022 12 03 The Wisps Book: Ado the Owl]

.2023.(so far)

[2023 01 30 The Wisps Book II: Falgara the Giant ]  

[2023 02 25 The Wisps Book III: Summond the Scarecrow ]

[2023 03 25 FLUKE! Ch II: BATTLE Colosseum Pt. I Hiding One’s Tracks

. 2023 04 28 FLUKE! Ch II: BATTLE Colosseum Pt. II Unified Field Theory

. 2023 05 24 FLUKE! Ch II: BATTLE Colosseum - Collected Paperback]

Upcoming Releases 

[The Wisps Book IV: Sol the Last Wisp]

[Escape Perennial City - SM-SARA/KID:A Edition]

[ULTRAVIOLET - Paperback Edition]

[FLUKE!: Planet Fred]

[The Wisps Book: Christmas]

[The HaikuPrajna Collection Book IV: Two Elephants in the Room 


Thank you for reading the Summer 2023 HaikuPrajna Project Roadmap! These plans help me continue to refocus my tendencies and habits toward the One goal; writing and sharing what I write.

Again, thank you for reading,

Until next time!

Allen W. McLean 


Need more Bite-sized Insights to relieve your stress and suffering? 

All readers get an eBook each week on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays--short stories rotate every month, follow via email to collect them all! [ ]

Trailer [ ]

BATTLE Colosseum, the latest chapter in the "FLUKE!" series, has been released as a paperback novella and as an ebook on Amazon Kindle Unlimited! Add to Goodreads and learn more [ ] 

Read Kindle ebooks on any device at

[NEW] Show support with Handmade Merch - Art Works, Book Merch, and Clay Quirks [ ]

Electric Armchair - After Party (Full Album) [ ]

April's psychedelic music videos, art and poetry is available on all streaming platforms; Electric Armchair - The Forest Machine (Official Music Video) [ ]

I write mindfulness meditation scifaiku and haiku poetry on my book reviews and on previews of my metaphysical stories, such as "Escape Perennial City". Read more here [ ]

Thanks to you, I am now a VERIFIED BOOK AUTHOR with over TWO-THOUSAND (2000!) readers who have joined us on Medium! "Ado the Owl" and "Hector Blake" are available to read, right now, on Medium. [ ] 

230630 Project Roadmap [ ]

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Electric Armchair




These poems will be collected in future editions of the HaikuPrajna Collection.

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