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20210131 - "SM-SARA, Poems and Other Stories" AVAILABLE NOW

Life is a story/ where every adventure is/ a tale to behold.
(Automatic Autodidact)

April and I are ecstatic to show you the next book in the HaikuPrajna Collection. “SM-SARA, Poems and Other Stories” is now available on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited!


If you are reading this, then you are loved.

HaikuPrajna is back with more bite-sized insight to illuminate the darkness in our lives. These poems and short-stories by Canadian indie-author Allen W. McLean capture feelings of love, the city, sleep and the five hindrances. No stranger to thought-forms and the law of attraction, the latest in the HaikuPrajna Collection works to deal with uncomfortable truths instead of attempting to destroy reality.

Overcome the hindrances, as explored in superhero-fantasies such as "Hector Blake", and understand the true nature of life through the science fiction of "SM-SARA" with the second book of the HaikuPrajna Collection.

Amazon and Kindle Unlimited:

( I'm talking to the aggregator about the physical copies!)

I have drawn from every source in my life to create HaikuPrajna and my pieces of fiction; if we have interacted in any way, in person or online, even just by reading this post, thank you for supporting the creation of this book.

Title Page screenshot

Haiku screenshot

"The Artifact" screenshot

"SM-SARA" screenshot

"Hector Blake" screenshot

Thank you again for reading, until next time,

Allen W. McLean


20210130 - Pawn-standoff


A battle of wits/ between conflicting systems./ Present and absorb.

The "SM-SARA, Poems and Other Stories" HaikuPrajna Collection releases January 31st 2021 and can be ordered here:

"Spear-thrower" is the story I wrote for "NaNoWriMo" which I had based on the "Inktober" prompts from 2020; the story and poems will be featured as a future edition of The HaikuPrajna Collection.

More poetry on, and the first draft of "Spear-thrower" can be read on Medium and Wattpad here:

Thank you for reading.

Until next time,

Allen W. McLean

To see more of these bite-sized insights, please click Subscribe at the top of the page and enter your email to receive new poetry by email, or follow on social media through the sidebar!

Books, art, music, poetry, prompts and a whole lot more from me and April (@electricarmchair)!


20210129 WIP Update - The Pits


Tunnels, without end,/ deep into its own darkness./ Learn without a sight.
( The Pits ) 

The "SM-SARA, Poems and Other Stories" HaikuPrajna Collection releases January 31st 2021 and can be ordered here:

"Spear-thrower" is the story I wrote for "NaNoWriMo" which I had based on the "Inktober" prompts from 2020; the story and poems will be featured as a future edition of The HaikuPrajna Collection.

More poetry on, and the first draft of "Spear-thrower" can be read on Medium and Wattpad here:

While I pitch my first novel, "Perennial City", the full first chapter along with rough-chapter previews can be found here:

Thank you for reading.

Until next time,

Allen W. McLean

To see more of these bite-sized insights, please click Subscribe at the top of the page and enter your email to receive new poetry by email, or follow on social media through the sidebar!

Books, art, music, poetry, prompts and a whole lot more from me and April (@electricarmchair)!


20210128 WIP Update - Thrice Greatest

Absorbed in systems/ designed to root in one place./ Equilibrium. 
( Thrice Greatest ) 

The past two months, the entirety of my focus has been absorbed in the second and third books of “The HaikuPrajna Collection”. I have shared the rough draft of “Spear-thrower” on Wattpad and Medium, having thus far been hosted on Patreon as a public post. I have also updated the book page with these links, and with links to poetry and updates about “Spear-thrower”.

“The HaikuPrajna Collection - SM-SARA, Poems and Other Stories” releases on January 31st 2021! The second book in the collection contains seven more short stories, such as “Hector Blake” and “The Cannon”, which follow other superhuman characters like “Spear-thrower”.

"Spear-thrower" is the story I wrote for "NaNoWriMo" which I had based on the "Inktober" prompts from 2020; the story and poems will be featured as a future edition of The HaikuPrajna Collection.

More poetry on, and the first draft of "Spear-thrower" can be read here:

The "SM-SARA, Poems and Other Stories" HaikuPrajna Collection can be ordered here:

While I pitch my first novel, "Perennial City", the full first chapter along with rough-chapter previews can be found here:

Thank you for reading.

Until next time,

Allen W. McLean

To see more of these bite-sized insights, please click Subscribe at the top of the page and enter your email to receive new poetry by email, or follow on social media through the sidebar!

Books, art, music, poetry, prompts and a whole lot more from me and April (@electricarmchair)!


20210127 WIP Update - Stand on Guard


Make humanity/ apparent upon approach./ Rigid from caution.
( Stand on Guard )

"Spear-thrower" is the story I wrote for "NaNoWriMo" which I had based on the "Inktober" prompts from 2020; the story and poems will be featured as a future edition of The HaikuPrajna Collection.

More poetry on, and the first draft of "Spear-thrower" can be read here:

The "SM-SARA, Poems and Other Stories" HaikuPrajna Collection can be ordered here:

While I pitch my first novel, "Perennial City", the full first chapter along with rough-chapter previews can be found here:

Thank you for reading.

Until next time,

Allen W. McLean

To see more of these bite-sized insights, please click Subscribe at the top of the page and enter your email to receive new poetry by email, or follow on social media through the sidebar!

Books, art, music, poetry, prompts and a whole lot more from me and April (@electricarmchair)!


20210126 WIP Update - Terror Birds

Anxious potential,/ fear-in-the-moment. Contrast,/ a matter of time.
( Terror Birds )

"Spear-thrower" is the story I wrote for "NaNoWriMo" which I had based on the "Inktober" prompts from 2020; the story and poems will be featured as a future edition of The HaikuPrajna Collection.

More poetry on, and the first draft of "Spear-thrower" can be read here:

The "SM-SARA, Poems and Other Stories" HaikuPrajna Collection can be ordered here:

While I pitch my first novel, "Perennial City", the full first chapter along with rough-chapter previews can be found here:

Thank you for reading.

Until next time,

Allen W. McLean

To see more of these bite-sized insights, please click Subscribe at the top of the page and enter your email to receive new poetry by email, or follow on social media through the sidebar!

Books, art, music, poetry, prompts and a whole lot more from me and April (@electricarmchair)!


20210125 WIP Update - Naturally Selected


Present day horrors/ harvested for useful parts./ Nothing left to waste. 
( Naturally Selected )

"Spear-thrower" is the story I wrote for "NaNoWriMo" which I had based on the "Inktober" prompts from 2020; the story and poems will be featured as a future edition of The HaikuPrajna Collection.

More poetry on, and the first draft of "Spear-thrower" can be read here:

The "SM-SARA, Poems and Other Stories" HaikuPrajna Collection can be ordered here:

While I pitch my first novel, "Perennial City", the full first chapter along with rough-chapter previews can be found here:

Thank you for reading.

Until next time,

Allen W. McLean

To see more of these bite-sized insights, please click Subscribe at the top of the page and enter your email to receive new poetry by email, or follow on social media through the sidebar!

Books, art, music, poetry, prompts and a whole lot more from me and April (@electricarmchair)!


20210124 WIP Update - Attached Instincts

The natural rhythm/ compels one to act. Music,/ be one with the world.
( Attached Instincts )

"Spear-thrower" is the story I wrote for "NaNoWriMo" which I had based on the "Inktober" prompts from 2020; the story and poems will be featured as a future edition of The HaikuPrajna Collection.

More poetry on, and the first draft of "Spear-thrower" can be read here:

The "SM-SARA, Poems and Other Stories" HaikuPrajna Collection can be ordered here:

While I pitch my first novel, "Perennial City", the full first chapter along with rough-chapter previews can be found here:

Thank you for reading.

Until next time,

Allen W. McLean

To see more of these bite-sized insights, please click Subscribe at the top of the page and enter your email to receive new poetry by email, or follow on social media through the sidebar!

Books, art, music, poetry, prompts and a whole lot more from me and April (@electricarmchair)!


20210123 WIP Update - Message of the Wisps

A necessity./ Information must be shared,/ wisdom passed along.
( Message of the Wisps )

More poetry on, and the first draft of "Spear-thrower" can be read here:

"Spear-thrower" is the story I wrote for "NaNoWriMo" which I had based on the "Inktober" prompts from 2020; the story and poems will be featured as a future edition of The HaikuPrajna Collection.

The "SM-SARA, Poems and Other Stories" HaikuPrajna Collection can be ordered here:

While I pitch my first novel, "Perennial City", the full first chapter along with rough-chapter previews can be found here:

Thank you for reading.

Until next time,

Allen W. McLean

Please click Subscribe at the top of the page and enter your email to follow this blog and receive new posts by email, or follow me on social media to see more of these bite-sized insights!

Books, art, music, poetry, prompts and a whole lot more from me and April (@electricarmchair)!


20210122 WIP Update - Invoking


Imaginable,/ the animals and wild things./ Picture and mimic.
( Invoking )

More poetry on, and the first draft of "Spear-thrower" can be read here:

"Spear-thrower" is the story I wrote for "NaNoWriMo" that I had based on the "Inktober" prompts from 2020; the story and poems will be featured as a future edition of The HaikuPrajna Collection.

The "SM-SARA, Poems and Other Stories" HaikuPrajna Collection can be ordered here:

While I pitch my first novel, "Perennial City", the full first chapter along with rough-chapter previews can be found here:

Thank you for reading.

Until next time,

Allen W. McLean

Please click Subscribe at the top of the page and enter your email to follow this blog and receive new posts by email, or follow me on social media to see more of these bite-sized insights!

Books, art, music, poetry, prompts and a whole lot more from me and April (@electricarmchair)!


20210121 WIP Update - Tree Meditation



Desire to covet,/ transcended. Exposed grassland/ from retreating ice. 

( Tree Meditation )

More poetry on, and the first draft of "Spear-thrower" can be read here:

"Spear-thrower" is the story I wrote for "NaNoWriMo" that I had based on the "Inktober" prompts from 2020; the story and poems will be featured as a future edition of The HaikuPrajna Collection.

The "SM-SARA, Poems and Other Stories" HaikuPrajna Collection can be ordered here:

While I pitch my first novel, "Perennial City", the full first chapter along with rough-chapter previews can be found here:

Thank you for reading.

Until next time,

Allen W. McLean

Please click Subscribe at the top of the page and enter your email to follow this blog and receive new posts by email, or follow me on social media to see more of these bite-sized insights!

Books, art, music, poetry, prompts and a whole lot more from me and April (@electricarmchair)!


20210120 - Mastodon Carcass


Desecration for/ a sliver of bone. Fragment/ to be weaponized.
( Mastodon Carcass )

From a paragraph in “Spear-thrower”. The first draft had Spearthrower equipped to the teeth with stone tools and weapons. In the second draft, Spearthrower has the sense to pillage an animal to make his spearhead. Though, I appreciate highlighting the non-story meaning that could also arise from the above poem; violation to capture a painful part of the victims, breaking things up to transform the parts into harmful objects.

Poetry on, and the first draft of "Spear-thrower" can be read here:

"Spear-thrower" is the story I wrote for "NaNoWriMo" that I had based on the "Inktober" prompts from 2020; the story and poems will be featured as a future edition of The HaikuPrajna Collection.

The "SM-SARA, Poems and Other Stories" HaikuPrajna Collection can be ordered here:

While I pitch my first novel, "Perennial City", the full first chapter along with rough-chapter previews can be found here:

Thank you for reading.

Until next time,

Allen W. McLean

Please subscribe to this blog with your Google Account, RSS feed or email (or like us on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram) to see more of these bite-sized insights, so that you can read these projects as they are being produced!

Books, art, music, poetry, prompts and a whole lot more from me and April (@electricarmchair)!


20210119 WIP Update - Ice Mold

A cold northern wind./ Dry leaves, and the warm colors/ of the setting sun.
( Ice Mold )

The second draft of Spear-thrower comes with a number of revisions. Most of the additions have me researching the paleolithic age. It is important to me to be sure that the primitive atal and spears are accurate to the time-period. The ice age is molding the setting. Most of the foreseeable changes and descriptions are stemming from it. 


The "SM-SARA, Poems and Other Stories" HaikuPrajna Collection can be ordered here:

Poetry on, and the first draft of "Spear-thrower" can be read here:

While I pitch my first novel, "Perennial City", the full first chapter along with rough-chapter previews can be found here:

Thank you for reading.

Until next time,

Allen W. McLean

Please subscribe to this blog with your Google Account, RSS feed or email (or like us on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram) to see more of these bite-sized insights, so that you can read these projects as they are being produced!

Books, art, music, poetry, prompts and a whole lot more from me and April (@electricarmchair)!


20210118 WIP Update - Retreating

A plateau of bright/ reflected light, stretched beyond/ every line of sight.
( Retreating )

Adding new features to "Spear-thrower". Canada and parts of the northern US were covered in ice during the time period. I am writing the ice sheet as a plateau of white light reflected from the sun. The wild-things are coming from this expanse. All this is revealed to Spearthrower by the wisps. 

The "SM-SARA, Poems and Other Stories" HaikuPrajna Collection can be ordered here:

Poetry on, and the first draft of "Spear-thrower" can be read here:

While I pitch my first novel, "Perennial City", the full first chapter along with rough-chapter previews can be found here:

Thank you for reading.

Until next time,

Allen W. McLean

Please subscribe to this blog with your Google Account, RSS feed or email (or like us on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram) to see more of these bite-sized insights, so that you can read these projects as they are being produced!

Books, art, music, poetry, prompts and a whole lot more from me and April (@electricarmchair)!


20210117 WIP Update - Prism Flow


Even the frozen/ shelves of the ice age shift and/ flow to changing times. 
( Prism Flow )

The time period of “Spear-thrower” places it at the end of the last ice age. Working a retreating ice shelf into the story, as Spearthrower travels from central North America into the setting sun. The North American ice sheets sprawled from the Rockies across the entirety of Canada, into the Upper Midwest; somehow another pearlescent wall has made it into my stories!

Also upgrading Spearthrower to bone tools due to the ubiquity of the material. 

All this feels like an expansion pack or some downloadable-content for the first draft of “Spear-thrower”.

The "SM-SARA, Poems and Other Stories" HaikuPrajna Collection can be ordered here:

Poetry on, and the first draft of "Spear-thrower" can be read here:

While I pitch my first novel, "Perennial City", the full first chapter along with rough-chapter previews can be found here:

Thank you for reading.

Until next time,

Allen W. McLean

Please subscribe to this blog (or like us on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram) to see more of these bite-sized insights, so that you can read these projects as they are being produced!

Books, art, music, poetry, prompts and a whole lot more from me and April (@electricarmchair)!


20210116 - "Solar Lottery"

Dissatisfied, not/ from brute senselessness; restless /to grow and advance.
( “Solar Lottery” )

Pre-orders for the next book in the HaikuPrajna Collection are rolling out to bookstores, as of the time of writing “SM-SARA, Poems and Other Stories” is available for digital pre-orders on Apple Books; while we wait, today we have a Goodreads review for the first book I have finished reading this year.  

Philip K. Dick’s first published novel is titled “Solar Lottery”, which takes place in a Sol system that revolves around a Hunger Games-like deathmatch between an interplanetary “Quizmaster” political leader and a lone assassin, who becomes Quizmaster should they succeed. Both individuals are seemingly chosen at random, where randomness is the guiding principle for the chaotic universe according to these characters, but their actions (and the book’s action-sequences) are defined by drawn-out descriptions of logical causality that culminates in a courtroom battle on the just and legal murdering of an individual who is alive and taking part in the dispute’s proceedings.

“Solar Lottery” would not be a Philip K. Dick book without a touch of his theosophy; through a subplot involving human-simulacrum and an undiscovered tenth planet, we bear witness to a budding author passing on his hope-tinged message: 

“It isn’t senseless drive . . . It isn't a brute instinct that keeps us restless and dissatisfied. I'll tell you what it is: it's the highest goal of man - the need to grow and advance . . . to find new things . . . to expand. To spread out, reach areas, experiences, comprehend and live in an evolving fashion. To push aside routine and repetition, to break out of mindless monotony and thrust forward. To keep moving on . . .”

The "SM-SARA" HaikuPrajna Collection can be found here:

Poetry on, and the first draft of "Spear-thrower" can be read here:

While I pitch my first novel, "Perennial City", the full first chapter along with rough-chapter previews can be found here:

Thank you for reading.

Until next time,

Allen W. McLean

Please subscribe to this blog (or like us on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram) to see more of these bite-sized insights, so that you can read these projects as they are being produced!

Books, art, music, poetry, prompts and a whole lot more from me and April (@electricarmchair)!


20210115 - "SM-SARA, Poems and Other Stories" Release Date Announcement!

Read previews in the full post here:

April and I are ecstatic to formally announce to you the next book in the HaikuPrajna Collection.


If you are reading this, then you are loved.

HaikuPrajna is back with more bite-sized insight to illuminate the darkness in our lives. These poems and short-stories by Canadian indie-author Allen W. McLean capture feelings of love, the city, sleep and the five hindrances. No stranger to thought-forms and the law of attraction, the latest in the HaikuPrajna Collection works to deal with uncomfortable truths instead of attempting to destroy reality.

Overcome the hindrances, as explored in superhero-fantasies such as "Hector Blake", and understand the true nature of life through the science fiction of "SM-SARA" with the second book of the HaikuPrajna Collection.

"SM-SARA, Poems and Other Stories" contains over a hundred poems from my daily HaikuPrajna blog, and features seven short stories our readers may be familiar with. Grounded by mindfulness, yoga and meditation practices and studies, my works draw inspiration from speculative science fiction with comic books and manga from creators like DC, Marvel, Oni Press, Philip K. Dick, Arthur C. Clarke, H.G. Wells, Gainax, Studio Trigger and Shueisha. 

Releases January 31st 2021


( May take a few more days before becoming available on every storefront! )

I have drawn from every source in my life to create HaikuPrajna and my pieces of fiction; if we have interacted in any way, in person or online, even just by reading this post, thank you for supporting the creation of this book.

Overcome every/ hindrance, understand the true/ nature of our lives.
( Book Two )

Thank you again for reading, until next time,

Allen W. McLean


20210114 WIP Update - Escape Velocity


Rounds of samsara,/ neverending inward spin./ Escape endless drains.
( Escape Velocity )

Right around the corner from announcing the next book in the HaikuPrajna Collection. April has an amazing cover illustrated for "SM-SARA, Poems and Other Stories" which will blow the previous cover out of the water. We cannot wait to show you.

I like to focus on only one post-production project in the forefront of my mind, and SM-SARA is the closest project to being a book, meaning Spear-thrower still isn’t getting the attention it properly deserves from me. Though, once SM-SARA is up, the floodgates will open again on Spearthrower and the cave-peoples. I enjoy having a constant flow of content to share with our supporters and readers, so I am hoping this plan covers that for us. 

Check out my comic book inspired fiction and poetry through the below links.

Previews of the upcoming "SM-SARA" HaikuPrajna Collection can be found here:

Poetry on, and the first draft of "Spear-thrower" can be read here:

While I pitch my first novel, "Perennial City", the full first chapter along with rough-chapter previews can be found here:

Thank you for reading.

Until next time,

Allen W. McLean

Please follow this blog (or like us on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram) to see more of these bite-sized insights, so that you can read these projects as they are being produced!

Books, art, music, poetry, prompts and a whole lot more from me and April (@electricarmchair)!


20210113 WIP Update - The River Wisp

“... and wash the bones of/ the previous day in the/ ever-flowing stream...”
( The River Wisp )

Entering the third week of the year, and I just finished getting around to setting up reading and writing goals to keep me out of these slumps. Today's poem is a line taken from the second draft of "Spear-thrower". The wisps share mental visualizations to Spearthrower and the other cave-people. The peoples are required to believe in the wisps, due to their camouflaging techniques, in order to experience the mental images. The river itself carries its own wisp, and is meant to be symbolic for the beginning and the end of the story.

Poetry on, and the first draft of "Spear-thrower" can be read here:

Previews of the upcoming "SM-SARA" HaikuPrajna Collection can be found here:

While I pitch my first novel, "Perennial City", the full first chapter along with rough-chapter previews can be found here:

Thank you for reading.

Until next time,

Allen W. McLean

Please follow this blog via email by clicking the "Subscribe" button at the top of the page (or like us on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram) to see more of these bite-sized insights, AND so that you can read these projects as they are being produced!

Books, art, music, poetry, prompts and a whole lot more from me and April (@electricarmchair)!


20210112 WIP Update - Stream of Water

Breathing life into/ the wild, creatures and landscapes./ Beyond fear of change.
( Stream of Water ) 

Shifting back to “Spear-thrower”, which was the story I drafted for last year’s “Primal”-themed Inktober and the following National Novel Writing Month. The second draft is focused on fleshing out the characters and environment. One of the elements I am giving more description toward are the “wild-things”, which I envision to be hairy human-like mammals of various stature. Their Cain and giants inspired background lends into another element I am putting my attention toward, and that is the theosophy of the time period through the wisps and the cave-people’s usage of their mental imagery. By going over the first draft and adding elements like this to the story, to me it solidifies the themes of change and information that “Spear-thrower” is centered on.

Poetry on, and the first draft of "Spear-thrower" can be read here:

Previews of the upcoming "SM-SARA" HaikuPrajna Collection can be found here:

While I pitch my first novel, "Perennial City", the full first chapter along with rough-chapter previews can be found here:

Thank you for reading.

Until next time,

Allen W. McLean

Please follow this blog via email by clicking the "Subscribe" button at the top of the page (or like us on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram) to see more of these bite-sized insights, AND so that you can read these projects as they are being produced!

Books, art, music, poetry, prompts and a whole lot more from me and April (@electricarmchair)!


20210111 - Non-linear Path

Learn to love oneself,/ to accept, and to control./ Transcend one's orbit.
(Non-linear Path)

Hello good readers,

Logging updates on "Orson Tripp", the novel I have been outlining. I touched on the story and plot, which thematically is about desire and dysphoria in the lense of mindfulness. The inpatients, especially Eloise, learn how to accept who they are. To avoid being too derivative of other "learning to love yourself" stories, I want to highlight the characters coping with their unchangeable facts so that they can instead focus on what can be changed. 

"Orson Tripp" is still a ways off; I put most of my energy toward the upcoming "SM-SARA" Collection and plotting "Orson Tripp" so that I have a new script to play with while editing "Spear-thrower" and pitching "Perennial City".

Previews of the upcoming "SM-SARA" HaikuPrajna Collection can be found here:

While I pitch my first novel, "Perennial City", the full first chapter along with rough-chapter previews can be found here:

Poetry on, and the first draft of "Spear-thrower" can be read here:

Thank you for reading.

Until next time,

Allen W. McLean

Please follow this blog via email by clicking the "Subscribe" button at the top of the page (or like us on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram) to see more of these bite-sized insights, AND so that you can read these projects as they are being produced!

Books, art, music, poetry, prompts and a whole lot more from me and April (@electricarmchair)!


20210110 WIP Update - Orson v. Tripp


Ashamed to have such/ fantastic abilities./ Learning to control.
(Orson v. Tripp)

Hello good readers,

Is it weird to still greet you as "good readers"? 

Logging plot details for the novel I am outlining right now, which is titled "Orson Tripp". The conflict centers on Eloise's desire to have been born without telekinesis, but her angst leads to her usage of her powers, and she shuns herself for it. Edwin Tripp, the Overseer of the Institution, develops the abilities of the inpatients at the expenses of their stability. The plot revolves around the daily life of the Institution while the inpatients learn to control the physical world with their minds. 

Tomorrow, I'll go over the moral of the story and the themes, and maybe show some work. 

Previews of the upcoming "SM-SARA" HaikuPrajna Collection can be found here:

While I pitch my first novel, "Perennial City", the full first chapter along with rough-chapter previews can be found here:

Poetry on, and the first draft of "Spear-thrower" can be read here:

My Goodreads' 2020 #MyYearInBooks can be seen here:

Thank you for reading.

Until next time,

Allen W. McLean

Please follow this blog via email by clicking the "Subscribe" button at the top of the page (or like us on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram) to see more of these bite-sized insights, AND so that you can read these projects as they are being produced!

Books, art, music, poetry, prompts and a whole lot more from me and April (@electricarmchair)!


20210109 WIP Update - The Edwin Tripp Institution for Adults with Telekinetic Abilities


Unable to change/ one's facticity. One copes/ only with the angst. 
(The Edwin Tripp Institution for Adults with Telekinetic Abilities)

Hello good readers!

The project I have been focusing on the most the past two weeks is my next novel idea, the working title is "Orson Tripp", and I wanted to log an update on what I have thus far. 

The story takes place in a distant future winter at "The Edwin Tripp Institution for Adults with Telekinetic Abilities", situated in what was present-day northern Ontario. Eloise Orson is the newest of Overseer Edwin Tripp's inpatients, all of whom he personally treats for their maladapted telekinesis. Conflict centers on Eloise's angst over being born with T-K, which Tripp can only remedy and help her cope with. 

Admittedly, I lack much sharable content, however I am excited to see this project to its completion, I just wanted to get "Orson Tripp" to production-level so that I could lean on it while focusing on editing Spear-thrower and sharing SM-SARA. Tomorrow, I will fill in some plot details.

PS. This story was adapted from an earlier idea of mine, which was posted on our Patreon!

Previews of the upcoming "SM-SARA" HaikuPrajna Collection can be found here:

While I pitch my first novel, "Perennial City", the full first chapter along with rough-chapter previews can be found here:

Poetry on, and the first draft of "Spear-thrower" can be read here:

My Goodreads' 2020 #MyYearInBooks can be seen here:

Thank you for reading.

Until next time,

Allen W. McLean

Please follow this blog via email by clicking the "Subscribe" button at the top of the page (or like us on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram) to see more of these bite-sized insights, AND so that you can read these projects as they are being produced!

Books, art, music, poetry, prompts and a whole lot more from me and April (@electricarmchair)!


20210108 - Good Readers

Condense the wisdom/ of those who came before, for/ those who come after.
(Good readers)

Hello good readers,

We did it! We reviewed all of #MyYearInBooks for 2020, and every book review was condensed into a poem! If any of our readers has a Goodreads account, or if you enjoy reading and would like to keep track of books and reading goals, please add me on Goodreads, I would love to see some more familiar faces on the site. 

Book review blog posts:

#MyYearInBooks 2020:

My Goodreads profile:

April had brought Goodreads' annual hashtag to my attention, so we went through a HaikuPrajna Goodreads 2020 Year In Review! We had even been noticed by the authors we wrote on! This year, I may review my 2021 books as I finish them, so please stay tuned if you enjoyed these posts.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for partaking in this with me.

Until next time,

Allen W. McLean

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