Digging deeper holes // to provide for one’s others, // a communal feast.
#HAIKUPRAJNA - Fantastic Mr. Fox [Book Review]
Read online [ https://haikuprajna.blogspot.com/2023/05/20230501-haikuprajna-fantastic-mr-fox.html ]
Hello readers,
Fantastic Mr. Fox is a short novel by Roald Dahl, illustrated by Quentin Blake, about the supportive Fox family unit’s cooperative survival.
Mr. Fox provides for his family by stealing from farmers Borris, Bunce and Bean, who are all caricatures of gluttony. During an escapade, Mr. Fox loses his tail while retreating from the farmers, becoming a symbol for how lucky he was to be in pain but alive while being so unlucky to be a fox without a tail.
The three become fixated on capturing the Foxes, going so far as to destroy the surrounding forest in an effort to dig up the foxhole, and they set up camp just outside of their cave to starve out the family.
When the desperate Mr. Fox and his hungry children go digging into the farm storehouses, readers are given a tough piece of moral philosophy to chew on, courtesy of Badger and Mr. Fox, in the form of their necessity to do wrong in order to survive and do good for others in need.
Roald Dahl’s Fantastic Mr. Fox confronts themes of duality, where a sly thief is heralded as a fantastic Robin Hood-esque hero, while the three farmers are shown to each be providing for those living or working on the farms in a similar manner to the burrowing animals--but Mr. Fox was fantastic because of his discipline and willingness to help those in need, juxtaposed with the fixations of the farmers and the rat in the cider basement.
Thank you for reading,
Until next time!
Allen W. McLean
PS. April 23rd was the fourth annual HaikuPrajna Day, celebrating my haiku journey; submit to the #HaikuPrajnaChallenge, a monthly poetry prompt, to participate in the occasion! [ https://haikuprajna.blogspot.com/2023/04/20230423-haikuprajna-challenge-001.html ]
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I write mindfulness meditation scifaiku and haiku poetry on my book reviews and on previews of my metaphysical stories, such as "Escape Perennial City". Learn more about my reviews here [ https://haikuprajna.blogspot.com/p/book-review-summary-study-notes.html ]
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April's psychedelic music videos, art and poetry is available on all streaming platforms; Electric Armchair - Pleasure Pain (Official Music Video) [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWhBGFBqYu0 ]
Electric Armchair - After Party (Full Album) [ https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/electricarmchair/after-party ]
BATTLE Colosseum Pt II: Unified Field Theory is available on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited! Add to Goodreads and learn more [ https://haikuprajna.blogspot.com/p/batt-le-colosseum.html ]
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These poems will be collected in future editions of the HaikuPrajna Collection.
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