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20201215 - "The Martian Chronicles"


Hello good readers,
    The manuscript for "SM-SARA, Poems and Other Stories" is compiled! Today will be spent on the last rounds of formatting, then it will be time to start building up some hype. So, please please please subscribe to this blog or follow on social media to stay tuned and updated on these bite-sized insights!
    Today's Goodreads #MyYearInBooks HaikuPrajna is on Ray Bradbury's "The Martian Chronicles". The book contains a number of Bradbury's short-stories that were fixed together, and follows humanity's attempts at colonizing the red planet. From Martian ghosts to American colonization, the short-stories capture many science-fiction tropes with typical Bradbury philosophy. 


The American / rockets exterminate the / Martians, at Earth's end. ("The Martian Chronicles")

My Goodreads' 2020 #MyYearInBooks can be seen here:

Previews of the upcoming "SM-SARA" HaikuPrajna collection can be found here:

While I pitch my first novel, "Perennial City", the full first chapter along with rough-chapter previews can be found here:

Thank you for reading.

Until next time,

Allen W. McLean

Please follow this blog via email by clicking the "Subscribe" button at the top of the page (or like us on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram) to see more of these bite-sized insights, AND so that you can read these projects as they are being produced!

Books, art, music, poetry, prompts and a whole lot more from me and April (@electricarmchair)!


20201214 - "Frankenstein" Book Review (Updated 220830)

He searches for His / Creation, the monster, who / only looks at God.

#HaikuPrajna - ("Frankenstein")

The script for "SM-SARA, Poems and Other Stories" is being compiled. Once that's finished, it and the cover need to be formatted.

Going through Goodreads' annual #MyYearInBooks with HaikuPrajna; today's book is Mary Shelly's "Frankenstein". 

This story has been adapted so many times that the original story as a result has almost become lost in translation; from the uninitiated's confusion between Frankenstein and his monster, to the Hollywood quote, "It's alive!", this creation has strayed from its creator's original design, too. 

For me, the most interesting part of the story is the exploration of Milton and the Abrahamic fall of man. Did the fall only consist of our primordial sin, or are we continuously falling, horrifying and failing to please a resolute higher-power? With whom does the blame rest, humanity for their sinful ways or our Creators for abandoning and leaving us to sin? 

To me, it seems like the Creator is looking to correct their mistakes, but has found that the Creation now has agency of their own.

My Goodreads' 2020 #MyYearInBooks can be seen here:

Previews of the upcoming "SM-SARA" HaikuPrajna collection can be found here:

While I pitch my first novel, "Perennial City", the full first chapter along with rough-chapter previews can be found here:

Thank you for reading.

Until next time,

Allen W. McLean

... Updated 220830

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These poems will be collected in future editions of the HaikuPrajna Collection. Stay tuned to HaikuPrajna and Electric Armchair, via our emailing list and social media, for mindful meditation haiku / scifaiku poetry based on book reviews and on previews of metaphysical stories, such as the superhero inspired sci-fi "Escape Perennial City" (available on Kindle Unlimited): 

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Electric Armchair - Where Giants Grow :

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Together in Forever Part III is available to read as a digital ebook on Amazon Kindle!

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Books, art, music, poetry, prompts and a whole lot more from me and April (@electricarmchair)!

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