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20210108 - Good Readers

Condense the wisdom/ of those who came before, for/ those who come after.
(Good readers)

Hello good readers,

We did it! We reviewed all of #MyYearInBooks for 2020, and every book review was condensed into a poem! If any of our readers has a Goodreads account, or if you enjoy reading and would like to keep track of books and reading goals, please add me on Goodreads, I would love to see some more familiar faces on the site. 

Book review blog posts:

#MyYearInBooks 2020:

My Goodreads profile:

April had brought Goodreads' annual hashtag to my attention, so we went through a HaikuPrajna Goodreads 2020 Year In Review! We had even been noticed by the authors we wrote on! This year, I may review my 2021 books as I finish them, so please stay tuned if you enjoyed these posts.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for partaking in this with me.

Until next time,

Allen W. McLean


20210107 - "How to Speak and Write Correctly"

The fundamental/ tools, available to all,/ style of the masters.
("How to Speak and Write Correctly")

Hello goodreaders,

This is the final review for 2020's #MyYearInBooks, thanks for partaking in this with me, these poems will be part of a future HaikuPrajna Collection. Today's book is "How to Speak and Write Correctly" by Joseph Devlin. Writing is a solace which borders both religion and philosophy, so it always pays off reviewing the fundamentals, no matter how well-versed you may be. This book accompanies other "cliche" books on writing, like "The Elements of Style", which I wholeheartedly believe are indispensable tools for any writer.

Stay tuned for an update to cap off my 2020 Goodreads!

Previews of the upcoming "SM-SARA" HaikuPrajna Collection can be found here:

While I pitch my first novel, "Perennial City", the full first chapter along with rough-chapter previews can be found here:

Poetry on, and the first draft of "Spear-thrower" can be read here:

My Goodreads' 2020 #MyYearInBooks can be seen here:

Thank you for reading.

Until next time,

Allen W. McLean

Please follow this blog via email by clicking the "Subscribe" button at the top of the page (or like us on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram) to see more of these bite-sized insights, AND so that you can read these projects as they are being produced!

Books, art, music, poetry, prompts and a whole lot more from me and April (@electricarmchair)!

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