HaikuPrajna“... and wash the bones of/ the previous day in the/ ever-flowing stream...”( The River Wisp )
Entering the third week of the year, and I just finished getting around to setting up reading and writing goals to keep me out of these slumps. Today's poem is a line taken from the second draft of "Spear-thrower". The wisps share mental visualizations to Spearthrower and the other cave-people. The peoples are required to believe in the wisps, due to their camouflaging techniques, in order to experience the mental images. The river itself carries its own wisp, and is meant to be symbolic for the beginning and the end of the story.
Poetry on, and the first draft of "Spear-thrower" can be read here: https://haikuprajna.blogspot.com/p/spear-thrower.html
Previews of the upcoming "SM-SARA" HaikuPrajna Collection can be found here: https://haikuprajna.blogspot.com/p/sm-sara.html
While I pitch my first novel, "Perennial City", the full first chapter along with rough-chapter previews can be found here: https://haikuprajna.blogspot.com/p/perennial-city.html
Thank you for reading.
Until next time,
Allen W. McLean
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