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20210809 - Supply Demanded


Flustered wave of hand,\ out of stock on cigarettes,\ regain composure.
#HAIKUPRAJNA - Supply Demanded

This poem is based on my metaphysical superhero novel, "Escape Perennial City". These poems will be collected in a future edition of the HaikuPrajna Collection.

"Escape Perennial City" eBook, paperback and hardcover are now available through Amazon and on Kindle apps and devices, read with Kindle Unlimited:

Thank you for reading.

Until next time,

Allen W. McLean

For more bite-sized insights from HaikuPrajna and Electric Armchair, including free reading promotions on books, please subscribe by email or follow on social media:

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20210806 - Review: Dune

Master of the spice\ power over destruction\ ancestral spirit
#HAIKUPRAJNA - Review: Dune

Frank Herbert's "Dune" is a great example of what science-fantasy fiction can achieve as literature. "Dune" explores the metaphysics of mind through characters like the human-computer mentats and Bene Gesserit witches. With the plot device of time-become-space, every being is represented as an idea of their totality, which the various factions manipulate through cultural eugenics in order to influence (or produce mortal incarnations of) their ancestral spirits. These ideas are the best part of the book; the story and narrative are fine, too, where politics and religion are central. This science-fantasy's lack of focus on technology allows Dune's grounded philosophy to withstand the test of time. 

These Goodreads poems will be collected in a future edition of the HaikuPrajna Collection. More can be found on my Book Reviews page:

Edit 20240425:

This poem is part of the HaikuPrajna Challenge; submit and learn more at

"Escape Perennial City" eBook, paperback and hardcover are now available through Amazon and on Kindle apps and devices, read with Kindle Unlimited:

Thank you for reading.

Until next time,

Allen W. McLean

For more bite-sized insights from HaikuPrajna and Electric Armchair, including free reading promotions on books, please subscribe by email or follow on social media:

We're on Goodreads, Reddit, Pinterest, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram and more.  

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