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20220504 - May the Fourth 2022


Hopeful prophecy, / forced to rule the galaxy, / balance shall have peace.
#HAIKUPRAJNA - May the Fourth 2022

Happy Star Wars Day 2022! Bringing balance to the force taught us the necessity of transcending evil into good. I grew up watching the movies, playing the games and reading the books. Today, I have a stack of Star Wars comics that I’ll be writing reviews for. 

May the force be with us all on and beyond this May the Fourth!

Here's another haiku from 2019's Revenge of the Sith inspired May Fifth!

The Jedi foretold / that the Sith would rise again, / that they would not win. 
#HAIKUPRAJNA - May Fifth 2019

Thank you for reading.

Until next time,

Allen W. McLean


Need more Bite-sized Insights to relieve your stress and suffering? Get book previews and mindful meditation haiku \ scifaiku poetry from my metaphysical and magical realism stories (like the sci-fi superhero novel "Escape Perennial City", available on #KindleUnlimited!) sent to your inbox for free Alchemic Wisdom from @electricarmchair and @haikuprajna via the emailing list over here: 

April's latest psychedelic music, videos, art and poetry available on all streaming platforms: Electric Armchair - Feast of Fools

"Fishing for Caribou" eBook, paperback and hardcover are available through Amazon Kindle apps and devices, and with Kindle Unlimited; previews and more:

Every week, you can collect an ebook on Free Fridays! Selection rotates every few weeks; collect them all! "Hector Blake" is also free to read online alongside book reviews and articles:

If anyone reading this has a Medium account and needs followers to stay in the Medium Partner Program, I am asking you to please follow me and I'll follow you back! Thanks to you guys, I've reached 100 followers! #MediumWriter #Medium


20220429 - Review: House of M

Chaos magicians \ decimate reality \ piecing their psyche.
#HAIKUPRAJNA - Review: House of M


Been reading Brian Michael Bendis’s “New Avengers”, and the “House of M” event completed an arc that took readers through “Avengers: Disassembled” and “Secret War” to set up future storylines like “Secret Invasion” and “AvX”. (Perfect timing with Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness!)

This limited series had the X-Men crossover with the Avengers to deal with the Maximoff family, and includes all the cinematic style that one expects from Bendis’s Avengers. The heroes wake up to find themselves living different lives. One moment, they were looking for the Scarlet Witch, and the next they had forgotten their old pasts. History had been rewritten. Wolverine was the only one who remembered, so he managed to meet his old allies along with Layla Miller, a mutant child who restored Emma Frost’s memories before restoring everyone else’s. 

I enjoyed the interactions between characters like Spider-man, Doc Strange, Wolverine and Luke Cage. Everyone was given an altered version of their lives to cope with. Though, core members of the New Avengers and the Marvel Universe were sidelined in the main story, including a reimagined Fantastic Four and a retired veteran Captain America. This, however, gave other plots more room to breathe. Some of these stories are visited in tie-ins with good twists, a highlight includes Peter Parker waking up and remembering a shadow life with Gwen and Uncle Ben that he was now forced to live with.

“... No more mutants.”

Wanda Maximoff's tragic story comes to a climax, forcing her to deal with the reality of her children being taken away from her, along with the guilt of abusing her powers. After losing the children she made using Mephisto’s magic, which led to her causing the deaths of the Vision among other Avengers, Charles Xaiver was failing to repair her shattered psyche. Wanda’s reality altering abilities made her mental breakdown all the more dangerous for those she cared about. Professor X and Magneto had found themselves at their wit’s ends. The portrayal of loss and the inability to move on past traumatic heartbreak were the best parts of this event; though, as these deaths are later reversed, the only guilt Wanda would carry would be over the shame of acting out, but these losses nonetheless carry the heroes of the Marvel Universe toward goals of overcoming trauma and abuse. The idea and world of HoM had potential to play around in, but it was over almost as fast as it began.

Thank you for reading.

Until next time,

Allen W. McLean


These Goodreads poems will be collected in a future edition of the HaikuPrajna Collection. More can be found on Medium and Goodreads.

Need more Bite-sized Insights to relieve your stress and suffering? Get book previews and mindful meditation haiku \ scifaiku poetry from my metaphysical and magical realism stories (like the sci-fi superhero novel "Escape Perennial City", available on #KindleUnlimited!) sent to your inbox for free Alchemic Wisdom from @electricarmchair and @haikuprajna via the emailing list over here: 

April's latest psychedelic music, videos, art and poetry available on all streaming platforms: Electric Armchair - Feast of Fools

"Fishing for Caribou" eBook, paperback and hardcover are available through Amazon Kindle apps and devices, and with Kindle Unlimited; previews and more:

Every week, you can collect an ebook on Free Fridays! Selection rotates every few weeks; collect them all! "Hector Blake" is also free to read online alongside book reviews and articles:

If anyone reading this has a Medium account and needs followers to stay in the Medium Partner Program, I am asking you to please follow me and I'll follow you back! Thanks to you guys, I've reached 100 followers! #MediumWriter #Medium

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