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20220509 - Review: The Epic of Gilgamesh

Caring for the dead, \ defying the deities, \ building pantheons.
#HAIKUPRAJNA - Review: The Epic of Gilgamesh

The Epic of Gilgamesh follows many of the exploits of the titular semi-historical Sumerian god-king across the fragments of numerous tablets.

The story involves Mesopotamian myths with gods as embodiments or personifications of nature. The adventures include tales of Fate and Death that pit humans against the gods, and even details a deluge story with Utnapishtim the Distant and his wife, who were transcended to be among the gods--which I believe meant they, like the deified Gilgamesh, had become an idea or a myth like the gods.

Gilgamesh’s relationship with Enkidu is (one of) the oldest example of two very popular tropes in media today; adversaries becoming best friends, and the death of a prominent character that propels the protagonist into the rest of their quest. 

“... this plant is a plant of great renown [or transformation]; and what man desires in his heart, he obtains. I will take it to Uruk the strong-walled, I will nurse [plant] it there and then cut it off. Its name is: 'Even an old man will be rejuvenated!' I will eat of this and return [again] to the vigor of my youth."

In true ancient heroic fashion, Gilgamesh achieved his goal to be reunited with his slain friend. He defied the gods by denying Ishtar's love for him, overcoming her sacred and mortal armies “that ruin men”. This was a story, in my opinion, meant to give the people who read it the insight on how one could overcome any problem that one could face.

"'Take good care of your dead.' He is properly cared for who rests on a soft couch, and drinks pure water…”

The Epic of Gilgamesh teaches its audience about the transcendence of objects into ideas via death, and about choosing the gods one follows through life; all the deities in the universe are lesser than the transcendent forms of one’s life.

Thank you for reading.

Until next time,

Allen W. McLean


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