The month-long celebration is coming to an end for the first anniversary of "SM-SARA, Poems and Other Stories" being released on Amazon, where we released some of the short stories in the book as standalone ebooks on Kindle Unlimited; the updated hardcover, paperback and digital version of the second entry in the HaikuPrajna Collection is almost done! The penultimate new standalone edition being released is "Hector Blake"!
Hector Blake - Allen W. McLean: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09W8LYRXL
Hector Blake longed for the excitement of his old life.
He had awoken in a dark room, the walls of which being impervious to his intense pyrokinesis, to fend off an endless one-on-one assault of enemies. He was, a day prior, living in peaceful retirement back home on Titan, once being a renowned superhero across the Sol system.
Now, adversaries flood the room he had found himself in, and his tools and abilities are all that he can use to stave off exhaustion while fighting personifications of his slothful thoughts. Hector’s applied displays incinerated such hindrances while reinvigorating him--but can he keep the fire alive, let alone bright enough to face a stronger burning willpower?
Hector Blake is a story that has been shared online in the past, and so it is the only ebook in this Collection that is not part of KDP Select because it is free to read on other sites. Please enjoy this short story through the following links and consider supporting this release by ordering your own copy on Amazon.
Medium.com: https://haikuprajna.medium.com/hector-blake-second-edition-329c5c9309e7
Vocal.media: https://vocal.media/fiction/hector-blake
Other posts: https://haikuprajna.blogspot.com/search/label/Hector%20Blake
[New! 20221122] https://books2read.com/u/bP7O6l
Check out "The Artifact" and the other stories from the Collection: https://haikuprajna.blogspot.com/2022/04/20220401-sm-sara-poetry-and-other.html
(Updated 20220405)
Need more Bite-sized Insights to relieve your stress and suffering? Get book previews and mindful meditation haiku \ scifaiku poetry from my metaphysical and magical realism stories (like the sci-fi superhero novel "Escape Perennial City", available on #KindleUnlimited!) sent to your inbox for free Alchemic Wisdom from @electricarmchair and @haikuprajna via the emailing list over here: https://haikuprajna.blogspot.com/p/follow-on-social-media.html
April's latest psychedelic music, videos, art and poetry available on all streaming platforms: Electric Armchair - Feast of Fools
"Fishing for Caribou" eBook, paperback and hardcover are available through Amazon Kindle apps and devices, and with Kindle Unlimited; previews and more: https://haikuprajna.blogspot.com/p/spear-thrower.html
Every week you can collect an ebook on Free Fridays! Selection rotates every few weeks; collect them all! "Hector Blake" is free to read online alongside book reviews and articles:
The current Project Roadmap has been updated with new sales. The 5W's About Me page has also been updated with the latest book release's bio.
If anyone reading this has a Medium account and needs followers to stay in the Medium Partner Program, I am asking you to please follow me and I'll follow you back! Thanks to you guys, I've reached 100 followers! #MediumWriter #Medium
Thank you for reading.
Until next time,
Allen W. McLean
The current Project Roadmap has been updated with new sales. The 5W's About Me page has also been updated with the latest book release's bio.
If anyone reading this has a Medium account and needs followers to stay in the Medium Partner Program, I am asking you to please follow me and I'll follow you back! Thanks to you guys, I've reached 100 followers! #MediumWriter #Medium
Thank you for reading.
Until next time,
Allen W. McLean