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Showing posts with label Goodreads Year In Review 2022. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Goodreads Year In Review 2022. Show all posts


20221105 - The Divine Invasion Book Review Analysis and Summary

Being asked to die // smuggling unborn saviours, // holy reunions. #HAIKUPRAJNA - The Divine Invasion

Being asked to die // smuggling unborn saviours, // holy reunions.
#HAIKUPRAJNA - The Divine Invasion Book Review Analysis and Summary

Hello readers,

The Divine Invasion is a Philip K. Dick book that I have wanted to write a review on for a long time now, and it will discuss spoilers including the identities of characters like Emmanuel and Zina.

The story takes place on Earth and beyond the Solar system, following Emmanuel, an impaired boy who can talk to animals, who meets a girl named Zina, who can possess animals and cease the flow of time.

I really enjoyed how the philosophy of the book was presented; The Divine Invasion is part of the VALIS series which is already heavy with deep theological philosophy, but this book managed to approach the topics closer than ever. Key characters include Elias, the present manifestation of biblical Elijah, who is taking care of Emmanuel, who was spontaneously conceived by his mother Rybys, while the boy’s assumed step-father Herb sleeps after surviving their immigration to Earth.

Also, The Divine Invasion is just brimming with the usual psychedelic themes and reality warping tropes that Philip K Dick’s diverse casts of characters tend to encounter. Conflicts revolved around Emmanuel’s wager over a game that decided the fate of the universe with an interesting spin on the idea of good versus evil, where the literary conflict of man versus nature or god was skewed into being against one’s very concept of self.

The science fiction began to bend into philosophical literature with Emmanuel’s angst over having needed to reach out to Herb in the past to assist in Emmanuel’s own birth, establishing in a satisfying way that Herb was experiencing the events leading to his cryogenesis while Emmanuel’s plot continued to move forward in the present. The political scenes of the book were kept to a minimum plot wise, at least in relation to the author’s other work, and were mixed with the book’s core spiritual themes where both the political church’s Big Noodle AI Bible hologram and the protagonist’s group believe the other’s side was the material manifestation of the Devil.

Yahweh/God as an actual un-metaphorical character in the story intervened in Herb’s life to introduce freedom via the Holy Spirit’s ability to go with one when seized, but not without Emmanuel’s child-like rage over his new believer's previous worshipped form of matter, rather than their spacetime medium or cosmic Source. Invigorated by their theophany, Herb, Rybys and Elias plot against the political church in order to smuggle the unborn saviour to Earth in Philip K. Dick’s take on the messiah’s interplanetary second coming; again, this is one of Phil’s most blatantly thick gnostic and neoplatonic tales based on his real-life exegesis. Characters’ faiths get questioned with problems such as God causing them to become sick, to suffer and to die for the greater good. Deities were displayed as personifications of the different accretional layers which Emmanuel meets as he climbed the hermetic ladder of the cosmos, from lower realm into the upper realm of Intellect with its outline of all the Forms under the ‘Lower Realm’, to undergo “the Hermetic transform” and unify with the gnostic, neoplatonic One or Hermetic Source; quoting the book,

“That which was below, his own brain, the microcosm, had become the macrocosm... I now occupy the entire universe, Emmanuel realized.”

The Divine Invasion presented “the one who brings benefit” as anyone who could overcome and transcend Forms, “when you hear the distant bells...”

Zina helping Emmanuel realize his part in the Trinity revealed far more than was stated by the narrative; Zina was Sophia, the Holy Ghost, the living Torah, Plotinus’s Intellect or Plato’s Idea or Form, which was symbolized as that which guides One back to itself, appearing as a hindrance but in practice was what transcended (or was transcended and thus transcended the One back to itself). Zina was thus the Buddhist’s Mara, who was different than Satan, as Mara was transcended during Satan’s descent; was Emmanuel the Son? Or, better said, was the Son really the messiah? Emmanuel said he was Yahweh, or the Father, but perhaps Emmanuel was the godhead reformed, unknowable and mute? More a neoplatonic sequence, rather than a trinitarian godhead, of Emmanuel, Zina, Belial; which would leave Belial or Satan as the Son. Emmanuel had created Zina who desired to be peaceful with the world rather than wrathful, to bring it flowers instead of destroying Belial and the material world (where all individuals resided, between the Intellectual and the Material) which acted as an example of the godhead working through them all.

The idea was that both real and unreal things were intoxicating, but that the real and sufferable were more important due to their necessity; Emmanuel admitted that the real was objectively worse, as in more evil than the idealistic-and-unreal, but that solidified how the idealistic-and-real was even better. When Emmanuel and Zina agreed to free all from suffering, it all led to releasing Belial, meaning that the material world had to be transcended anyway, meaning the living had to experience death in order to be free at last, stating that even Belial could be transcended. Herb’s entire plot hinged on that point, from him hearing interference from a local mountain deity named Yahweh while in cryogen sleep all the way to Emmanuel and Belial’s reality-altering wager over Herb meeting Linda Fox, his Beside-Helper. Herb agreed that Emmanuel’s vision of the Fox was the superior one, that necessity was the underpinning of reality, that suffering was because it had to be in order for there to be salvation at all.

The Divine Invasion employs good use of references to James Joyce and Finnegans Wake, C.S. Lewis’s religious sci-fi, Zoroastrianism on the guilty being saved by their Beside-helper if they admit that they are guilty, and Hayyim Nahman Bialik on the Torah translated as Law being inadequate compared to the totality of God’s reality or his “highest idea”, “the living soul of the world”, which reformed itself over the ages in the form of dharma and Hermetic philosophers’ stones. The reunion of Emmanuel and Zina, him remembering that they are the same entity, himself as the transcended En Sof and Zina as the female half of the godhead that stayed on Earth was a very intriguing and gripping method of symbolizing the sephiroth of the Tree of Life, with Zina as one half of Emmanuel’s whole, as the lowest of the ten where Emmanuel was the first and highest. 

In the end, Herb’s story was about having to choose between one’s Beside-Helper (the Fox, Zina, beauty, salvation) and one’s “yetzer ha-ru” (Belial, darkness, suffering), between a real gift from God versus the illusive material world. Though, Emmanuel was a blind or impaired god, where the conflict arose solely from forgetting who was the original source, and it was dubious if Emmanuel was even the original source as he himself admitted there was a godhead that he fell from. All life, by this admission, was capable and worthy of transcendent godhood.

Thank you for reading.

Allen W. McLean

PS. Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween! I updated my recent Frankenstein review with some related links, which can be found here;


Need more Bite-sized Insights to relieve your stress and suffering?

Banner: The Cannon by Allen W. McLean

Readers can follow HaikuPrajna and Electric Armchair via our emailing lists (on Medium, Patreon, LinkedIn and more) for mindfulness meditation scifaiku and haiku poetry based on book reviews and on previews of metaphysical stories such as "Escape Perennial City" (available on Kindle Unlimited); 

As a free gift, all readers get an Amazon Kindle ebook short story every week on Free Fridays and Mondays--selection rotates every few weeks, so follow via email to collect them all!

Thanks to you, over 500 followers have joined us on Medium! If anyone reading this needs followers to stay in the Medium Partner Program, I am asking you to please follow me (and sign up for emails!) and I'll follow you back! My short stories "Ado the Owl" and "Hector Blake" are available to read for FREE on Medium!

Leave a comment with books you would like to see reviewed and I will add them to my Goodreads!!

Always open to reading book recommendations. Looking forward to adding new friends on Goodreads and sharing what we read with each other :

April's latest psychedelic music videos, art and poetry available on all streaming platforms; Electric Armchair - Living Ghosts (FULL ALBUM) :

"Tomothy and the Overseer of the Forest" is available as an eBook through Amazon Kindle apps and devices; read right now with Kindle Unlimited!

Kindle ebooks can be read on any device through one's web browser at

These poems will be collected in future editions of the HaikuPrajna Collection.


20221020 - Frankenstein Book Review Summary and Analysis 2022 [Updated with more Halloween Reviews]

Hands around their neck, \\ witness the eternal light, \\ nature's creation.
HAIKUPRAJNA - Frankenstein Book Review 2022

Hello readers,

In the spirit of Halloween, and because it was Mary Shelley Day a few weeks back, I did a reread of her classic gothic horror novel Frankenstein. 

Victor Frankenstein’s story about his Creature is told through the many voices of its side cast; I found that the book felt alive with how deep and well used all the characters were. Frankenstein, at its heart, is a cautionary story about creating life from death as much as it is about creating death from life; it was fascinating reading about how good intentions can cause despair, and how dreadful things can be filled with hope. 

Frankenstein's monster sought to enact revenge against the titular family over the horrors that every human they knew--even the youngest of the Frankenstein family--had inflicted on them. The Creature was a result of Victor Frankenstein's hope of metaphysical pursuits in the field of natural philosophy, where his antiquated science studies fueled his sense of discovery, whereby Frankenstein learned how to turn the old and unreal into something real and new. 

Frankenstein is framed with stories within stories; the main account occurs in the form of letters between a captain and his sister, the former of whom had listened to Victor relate his and his creation’s tales of misfortune, where we readers get to glimpse into the points of view of other characters via letters and of the monster itself, who shedded light on how they basked in the intellect of other perfected beings like their creator. These related tales take place in French-speaking Switzerland and abroad, where every person is written to be expressional by having their emotions and reactions checked minutely in a style reminiscent of romantics. In Victor’s blunted case, he feared being chased by his Creature and foreshadowed his eventual demise through his own narrative voice.

Frankenstein is in the horror genre, as in being wracked with horrible emotional baggage and fear, where the monster’s threats end up being carried out to highlight the difference between fear and anxiety, horror and thriller. In sharp contrast with the desires of his companions, who wished to lift his spirits, the fear and hatred that Victor expressed through his exposition in “normal” moments had tainted the beauty of nature for himself with his own despair.

I enjoyed the captain’s want of a friend and his finding one in Victor via their shared sympathy toward the wretchedness that their singular focuses had wrought on them both. Appealing to another's sympathetic nature is a key theme here, where Victor's silent resolve could be viewed as being devoid of sympathy and as being the ultimate cause leading to the deaths that his Creature forced Victor into experiencing, the Creature wanting Victor to live and suffer the same trials as they had, rather than outright killing Frankenstein. 

Both Frankenstein and his Creature harbour personal inner hells following their high hopes being crushed, having lost what was wanted. However, it is my belief that neither the Creature nor Frankenstein should be sympathized with, as the monster justified framing others for their murderings and Victor felt justified in hiding from revealing his creation.

Victor was afraid of being outcast like his Creature, and they both faced the same guilt over the deaths, but both were concerned for their ego and their public image, doing good to be seen as good instead of just doing good things, such as owning up to mistakes, which led to their shared desperation to be seen as respectable (evidenced by Victor's disgust over his own Creature). 

The Monster's justifications had acted like a trap, by sounding agreeable while appealing to a desire for vengeance. Choosing to agree with the Monster's spell was shown to possess Victor with suffering, which was reinforced by his beautiful natural sceneries being perceived as tainted. 

To me, the most interesting aspect of Frankenstein is the Creature's own poetic comparisons with God's creations of Adam and Satan. The Creature desired an Eve and to return to their metaphorical Eden of forested nature away from humankind (the very same natural scenery that Victor grew to be unable to witness). The use of the name Prometheus was, in my opinion, for the monster learning from his creator (and from others like their creator), along with Frankenstein stealing life from God or nature and being eternally punished by and for his creation, acting as a parable for something bad enough to be worthy of being punished over. Through his master work, Victor knew he was playing God with creation. 

Frankenstein details how one’s unchecked creation affects others and how those effects affect oneself. Frankenstein's monster was a philosophical Daemon, a personified Other, overviewing and passing judgement on humanity while transcending from nature to the civilized as a beast who learned to be human. However, the Creature's eloquence and Victor's aspirations were corrupted, where the products still worked but had spelled wretchedness for their creator. 

Thank you for reading.

Allen W. McLean

PS. You can read my previous Frankenstein review here;


Happy Halloween!

Here is a list of spooky reads that I have reviewed:

. Black Cat (2019) :

. Frankenstein :

. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland :

. The Legend of Sleepy Hallow :

. Howl's Moving Castle :

The Wendigo : 

Bloodborne comics :

Coraline :

Beowulf :

The Island of Doctor Moreau :

Check out some stories that I have written for and around Inktober and Halloween:

Sprout :

Ado the Owl : 

Fishing for Caribou : 

Also, ULTRAVIOLET is available to read on Kindle :

An official announcement will be revealed soon.

Have a safe and happy Halloween!


Need more Bite-sized Insights to relieve your stress and suffering?

Banner: The Cannon by Allen W. McLean

Readers can follow HaikuPrajna and Electric Armchair via our emailing lists (on Medium, Patreon, LinkedIn and more) for mindfulness meditation scifaiku and haiku poetry based on book reviews and on previews of metaphysical stories such as "Escape Perennial City" (available on Kindle Unlimited); as a free gift, all readers get an Amazon Kindle ebook short story every week on Free Fridays--selection rotates every few weeks, so follow via email to collect them all! 

Thanks to you, over 500 followers have joined us on Medium! If anyone reading this needs followers to stay in the Medium Partner Program, I am asking you to please follow me (and sign up for emails!) and I'll follow you back! My short story "Hector Blake" is available to read for FREE on Medium!

Leave a comment with books you would like to see reviewed and I will add them to my Goodreads!!

Always open to reading book recommendations. Looking forward to adding new friends on Goodreads, to share what we read with each other:

Have been looking for other free kindle books to read, ones that are only free for a day or so, so if you have an ebook on Kindle feel free to share them and I'll download!

April's latest psychedelic music videos, art and poetry is available on all streaming platforms.

Electric Armchair - Living Ghosts (FULL ALBUM):

"Tomothy and the Overseer of the Forest" is available as an eBook through Amazon Kindle apps and devices; read right now with Kindle Unlimited!

Kindle ebooks can be read on any device through one's web browser at

These poems will be collected in future editions of the HaikuPrajna Collection.


20221007 - Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Book Review Analysis 2022

Croquet flamingos, \\ "But what did the Dormouse say?" \\ Biting his teacup.
HAIKUPRAJNA - Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Book Review 2022

Hello readers,

Had sat down for a reread of 'Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland' by Lewis Carroll on Mad Hatter Day (10/06). In my opinion, Wonderland is best experienced with the same child-like point of view as Alice has while meeting its inhabitants.

She is accompanied throughout the entire book by its cast of animals and the many followers of the Queen of Hearts. Each exhibited manners of varying degrees of politeness, depending on how mad they were, and, rest assured, they are all madder than children in some manner or another. Yet, the madness lies in the wisdom that Alice distills, such as how little girls are a kind of serpent.

'Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland' is an example of nonsense literature, where it balances many literary elements to evoke imagery, with speeches that create silly and enjoyable visuals via homophones, like ‘not’ and ‘knot’ or ‘tale’ and ‘tail’.

While the setting is set in the fantasy genre, I really enjoyed the few elements of magical realism that were included, which helped ground Alice’s adventures and portray them in a relatable manner. Wonderland was described, by the Cheshire Cat, as a place for people who have gone mad. Instead of focusing on dry politics, the cast satires language itself with the political topics being used as content only, highlighting the narrative perspective of a child.

Poetry featured within the tale are largely based upon others, further absorbing the satire in literary nonsense.

Alice fell into Wonderland by chasing the White Rabbit, by chasing something irreal that caught her curiosity. Today, the idiom “down the rabbit hole” is synonymous with fixation and hyperfocus. When the story was written, however, the idiom had yet to exist, while the other metaphors within the book are portrayed in a literal way for Alice and the Wonderland creatures to experience.

The metaphors that do stay metaphorical are instead parodied in both speech and execution, solidifying the playful imagery techniques.

Despite this, some key lessons are shown, such as how promising to give everyone prizes had caused everyone to look to Alice for what they now expected.

All the while, Alice asked questions in order to understand the nonsensical world that she found herself to be in. Alice continued to experiment and to try eating or drinking new things despite their effects. Despite shrinking and growing, she held onto the wisdom that she managed to root out from the others’ madness. Most of what Alice encounters appears as nonsense, at first. However, whenever she discovered or assigned an effect to something, the cause and the effect became consistent or otherwise recallable. 

Upon returning home from Wonderland, we readers are told that adults look to childhood for inspiration in the manner of Alice’s adventure. One’s childhood is described as “a far-off land”, as Alice stumbling through Wonderland.

The most striking aspect of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is her whimsy and ambivalence toward the effects of things by her focusing on its causes, which allowed Alice to create meaning from nonsense. Alice manifested this nonsense by rejecting the inherent lessons or morals of the stories of Wonderland in favour of her own interpretations. The Queen using fear to manipulate her subjects, the same edible causing two different effects and Alice dispelling an entire court by believing them to be nothing but a pack of cards all highlights how choosing the effects of a cause based on one’s (versus another’s) wilful intent alone is able to overcome any situation.

Thank you for reading.

Allen W. McLean

PS. You can read my two other (shorter, two years old now!) "Alice" themed reviews below;


Need more Bite-sized Insights to relieve your stress and suffering?

Banner: The Cannon by Allen W. McLean

Readers can follow HaikuPrajna and Electric Armchair via our emailing lists (on Medium, Patreon, LinkedIn and more) for mindfulness meditation scifaiku and haiku poetry based on book reviews and on previews of metaphysical stories such as "Escape Perennial City" (available on Kindle Unlimited); as a free gift, all readers get an Amazon Kindle ebook short story every week on Free Fridays--selection rotates every few weeks, so follow via email to collect them all! 

Thanks to you, over 500 followers have joined us on Medium! If anyone reading this needs followers to stay in the Medium Partner Program, I am asking you to please follow me (and sign up for emails!) and I'll follow you back! My short story "Hector Blake" is available to read for FREE on Medium!

Leave a comment with books you would like to see reviewed and I will add them to my Goodreads!!

Always open to reading book recommendations. Looking forward to adding new friends on Goodreads, to share what we read with each other:

Have been looking for other free kindle books to read, ones that are only free for a day or so, so if you have an ebook on Kindle feel free to share them and I'll download!

April's latest psychedelic music videos, art and poetry is available on all streaming platforms.

Electric Armchair - Living Ghosts (FULL ALBUM):

"Tomothy and the Overseer of the Forest" is available as an eBook through Amazon Kindle apps and devices; read right now with Kindle Unlimited!

Kindle ebooks can be read on any device through one's web browser at

These poems will be collected in future editions of the HaikuPrajna Collection.


20220927 - Radio Free Albemuth Book Review

A pink-orange light, // blinding insight from above, // alien gospel.
HAIKUPRAJNA - Radio Free Albemuth Book Review 

Hello readers,

Radio Free Albemuth is the first attempt by Philip K. Dick to deal with his exegesis in fiction, which would become a fantastic series of books based around his story VALIS. In this book, Nicholas Brady tells his sci-fi author friend Phil about the dreams he has about a communist conspiracy party called Aramchek and a satellite named “Vast Active Living Intelligence System A”, the later of which Nick and Phil believed to be Nick’s future self helping him, but we come to learn is really a low-level ‘AI voice’ from the universal group-mind.

Through VALIS, Nick meets Saddasa Sylvia, who was born with the name Aramchek, and who knew that Ferris F. Fremont had become the US President through effortless political sabotage and that the current totalitarian regime was really a hostile takeover; later on, one could imply that VALIS had assisted Ferris with the greater good in mind. Nicolas was literally being beamed this information in the form of pink-orange light that even his wife Rachel could see and verify.

The novel is only really gripping when one digs into the religious philosophy a bit; Nick was experiencing a microcosmic version of what may happen during instrumentality, with two minds instead of multiple, where the individual had to read in sequence the information that was beamed all at once; Philip K. Dick was taking the metaphors of the Bible in a literal light during his then-modern times.

Unlike Horselover Fat in the later VALIS novel, Philip K. Dick masked his experience through the character of Nicholas Brady and a fictionalized American Berkeley and Orange County, featuring the classic sci-fi twisting of real-life politics one expects from his other novels. According to Nick’s dreams, VALIS was working through alternate histories and parallel universes in order to disrupt the media and its government agents, melding all of his best tropes.

I liked how the point-of-view of the narrative bleeds between Nick’s and the fictional Phil’s through the Radio Free Albemuth’s three parts, something that later books lean right into. 

Despite this list of pros, the book does have its cons due to its nature. Characters are prone to making assumptions that are just told to be true. Narrators indulge in long-winded rambles (this, however, is remedied through masked anxiety in Timothy Archer) and employ excessive metaphors, where the dramatic exposition is often only thematic with good wisdom hiding in the rough.

Here is the quick and dirty of it; the Roman Empire had only changed faces and its hierarchical rules still existed through Ferris, while VALIS fought against the hindering forces of the black iron prison through a plan spanning over multiple thousands of years into the past and future. Ferris symbolized events such as Phil being burglarized, having drugs planted in his home, the forced spying on friends and compulsory questionnaires. VALIS stood for rebelling against literal impossible odds, where one knew one would experience actual failure, but doing good anyway because the alien satellite would invade one’s mind and enact exactly what was needed to do for what it wanted to do. 

Radio Free Albemuth is heavy with Gnostic themes, but also universal idealistic messages, really the entire story could be seen as an American group-mind protecting itself in an abstract way. 

A quote from the book; “To an infant, when its parents leave the room they cease to be. But as he grows older he understands differently. They are there whether or not he can see them or touch them or hear their voices. It is an early lesson. But sometimes perhaps not completely learned.”

The necessity of suffering is highlighted as well, where the good can always be taken from the bad, that the work must always be done; mindlessness versus mindfulness, where leaving oneself defenseless to even minor threats is akin to sloth.

This sci-fi book managed to be one of the scariest stories I have ever read or will write about and it is not even in the horror genre; it is evident that the book is fictional, but the subject matter and the events taking place should be perceived as real to at least the author. Perhaps I am just a philosophy-kook, a paranoid and anxious believer of our literary history, but Philip K. Dick’s exegesis shakes me to my core, and the stories based on his experience continue to disturb my foundation to this day. Power equates to fear, and that is the force that fights against the universe itself. Though, it has a message of hope and for that reason the books of the VALIS series are among my favorite pieces of literature.

Thank you for reading.

Allen W. McLean 


P.P.S. The page for "Together in Forever" has been updated with information about its book:


Need more Bite-sized Insights to relieve your stress and suffering?

Readers can follow HaikuPrajna and Electric Armchair via our emailing lists (on Medium, Patreon, LinkedIn and more) for mindfulness meditation scifaiku and haiku poetry based on book reviews and on previews of metaphysical stories such as "Escape Perennial City" (available on Kindle Unlimited); as a free gift, all readers get an Amazon Kindle ebook short story every week on Free Fridays--selection rotates every few weeks, so follow via email to collect them all! 

Thanks to you, over 500 followers have joined us on Medium! If anyone reading this needs followers to stay in the Medium Partner Program, I am asking you to please follow me (and sign up for emails!) and I'll follow you back!

Leave a comment with books you would like to see reviewed and I will add them to my Goodreads!!

Always open to reading book recommendations. Looking forward to adding new friends on Goodreads, to share what we read with each other:

Have been looking for other free kindle books to read, ones that are only free for a day or so, so if you have an ebook on Kindle feel free to share them and I'll download!

April's latest psychedelic music videos, art and poetry is available on all streaming platforms.

Electric Armchair - Living Ghosts (FULL ALBUM):

"Together in Forever" is available in eBook, paperback and hardcover through Amazon Kindle apps and devices; read right now with Kindle Unlimited!

Kindle ebooks can be read on any device through one's web browser at

These poems will be collected in future editions of the HaikuPrajna Collection. 


20220909 - Lamb to the Slaughter Book Review

Already alone \\ within the comforts of home, \\ leg of lamb in hand.
#HAIKUPRAJNA - Lamb to the Slaughter Book Review

Hello readers,

Read "Lamb to the Slaughter" by Roald Dahl earlier this summer, at April's behest, which is about Mary Maloney and her husband Patrick, a police officer. April had wondered if this review was going to be longer than the short story itself, so will try to keep this brief! 

The cool part was how Mary reacted. She realized that her husband was leaving her alone, but she knew that was already true, therefore her reactions toward him being gone forever was a hundred percent genuine.

She had loved him, but he was throwing her away as if he had used and was done with her, as if he were unwilling to participate in the expectations that she was living through, such as having their child and cooking him dinner after his nightly drinking rituals.

I found it quite comedic that she killed her husband, as if he were a system error that she had to correct with a more believable story. Her husband’s co-workers may have even known he was going to end his marriage, so her story needed to ensure that he was killed while she was unaware of that fact. Through Mary's unsettling fear of being alone, Roald Dahl highlighted the effects and distractions of the routines in our outlined systems.

Thank you for reading.

Allen W. McLean 


Need more Bite-sized Insights to relieve your stress and suffering?

These poems will be collected in future editions of the HaikuPrajna Collection, so stay tuned to HaikuPrajna and Electric Armchair, via our emailing lists and social media, for mindful meditation haiku / scifaiku poetry based on book reviews and on previews of metaphysical stories, such as the superhero inspired sci-fi "Escape Perennial City" (available on Kindle Unlimited): 

Leave a comment with books you would like to see reviewed and I will add them to my Goodreads!!

I am always open to reading recommendations. Add me as a friend on Goodreads to share what we read with each other:

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You can collect an ebook every week on Free Fridays! All one needs is an Amazon account! Kindle ebooks can be read on any device through one's web browser at www - Selection rotates every few weeks; collect them all!

If anyone reading this needs followers to stay in the Medium Partner Program, I am asking you to please follow me (and sign up for emails!) and I'll follow you back! Thanks to you guys, I have passed 500 followers! “Hector Blake” is free to read online alongside book reviews and articles:

April's latest psychedelic music, videos, art and poetry available on all streaming platforms.

Electric Armchair - One Day :

"Together in Forever" is available in eBook, paperback and hardcover through Amazon Kindle apps and devices; read right now with Kindle Unlimited!

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20220523 - Review: A Scanner Darkly

Feeble existence,\ seeing purpose for all things.\ Empty death without.
#HAIKUPRAJNA - Review: A Scanner Darkly

“Entering the phone booth, he did a phone thing.”

In “A Scanner Darkly”, Philip K. Dick offers a glimpse into the lives of those suffering from substance abuse. Consumerism is used as a central role in the day-to-day of the cast of characters in order to display the similarities between the “straights” and the “heads” in the hope of instilling a sense of empathy and compassion toward human beings who experience tragedy.

“Someday, he thought, it’ll be mandatory that we all sell the McDonald’s hamburger as well as buy it; we’ll sell it back and forth to each other forever from our living rooms. That way we won’t even have to go outside.”

This story is rife with love-it-or-hate-it scifi-concept mentions like malls that repel those without credit cards, where the juxtaposition between mundane conversations and in-depth descriptions of neurochemistry help drive the book’s main plot--which follows the deterioration of an undercover narcotics agent’s psyche while reporting on himself--by symbolizing the way one’s intellectual brain cannibalizes itself and its creative counterpart during addiction, with a focus on the individual’s altered conscious experiences over the medical jargon.

“‘How do we stop them, sir?’ ‘Kill the pushers,’ Arctor said…” 

An emphasis on the effects of paranoid episodes attempt to shed light on the biological or evolutionary functions of these hindrances, on how paranoia could both prepare one to defend themselves while also leading to complete dissociation or to the belief of vivid fantasies. Consumption leads to compulsion which leads to addiction and ends in death, and Philip K. Dick argues that this is true of any substance, from D to weed to McD’s, and that one must find a way to rise above this. Good examples of the duality of paranoia were shown whenever Bob Arctor had formed assessments of Barris’s activities.

“After he saw God he felt really good, for around a year. And then he felt really bad. Worse than he ever had before in his life. Because one day it came over him, he began to realize, that he was never going to see God again; he was going to live out his whole remaining life, decades, maybe fifty years, and see nothing but what he had always seen…”

The flip side of this paranoia can be seen all throughout the story in the form of Bob and Fred’s split and decline, where we witness him watching his own intellect toiling as his psyche burnt away so that he functioned merely as an eye for others. Twists related to this are well teased through the story with the descriptions of cop cars and inconsistencies in characters. If there’s a prevalent message here, it’s that one has to find the philosophical ‘good’ in everything, that there’s a use for even the worst of human suffering, up to and including the different forms of Death.

“And the black-and-white wolf had never complained; he had said nothing even when they shot him. His claws had still been deep in his prey. For nothing. Except that that was his fashion and he liked to do it. It was his only way. His only style by which to live. All he knew. And they got him.”

Thank you for reading.

Until next time,

Allen W. McLean


These Goodreads poems will be collected in a future edition of the HaikuPrajna Collection. More can be found on Medium and Goodreads. “Hector Blake” is also free to read online alongside book reviews and articles:

April's latest psychedelic music, videos, art and poetry available on all streaming platforms: Electric Armchair - Feast of Fools

"Fishing for Caribou" eBook, paperback and hardcover are available through Amazon Kindle apps and devices, and with Kindle Unlimited; previews and more:

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Need more Bite-sized Insights to relieve your stress and suffering? Get book previews and mindful meditation haiku \ scifaiku poetry from my metaphysical and magical realism stories (like the sci-fi superhero novel "Escape Perennial City", available on #KindleUnlimited!) sent to your inbox for free Alchemic Wisdom from @electricarmchair and @haikuprajna via the emailing list over here: 

20220509 - Review: The Epic of Gilgamesh

Caring for the dead, \ defying the deities, \ building pantheons.
#HAIKUPRAJNA - Review: The Epic of Gilgamesh

The Epic of Gilgamesh follows many of the exploits of the titular semi-historical Sumerian god-king across the fragments of numerous tablets.

The story involves Mesopotamian myths with gods as embodiments or personifications of nature. The adventures include tales of Fate and Death that pit humans against the gods, and even details a deluge story with Utnapishtim the Distant and his wife, who were transcended to be among the gods--which I believe meant they, like the deified Gilgamesh, had become an idea or a myth like the gods.

Gilgamesh’s relationship with Enkidu is (one of) the oldest example of two very popular tropes in media today; adversaries becoming best friends, and the death of a prominent character that propels the protagonist into the rest of their quest. 

“... this plant is a plant of great renown [or transformation]; and what man desires in his heart, he obtains. I will take it to Uruk the strong-walled, I will nurse [plant] it there and then cut it off. Its name is: 'Even an old man will be rejuvenated!' I will eat of this and return [again] to the vigor of my youth."

In true ancient heroic fashion, Gilgamesh achieved his goal to be reunited with his slain friend. He defied the gods by denying Ishtar's love for him, overcoming her sacred and mortal armies “that ruin men”. This was a story, in my opinion, meant to give the people who read it the insight on how one could overcome any problem that one could face.

"'Take good care of your dead.' He is properly cared for who rests on a soft couch, and drinks pure water…”

The Epic of Gilgamesh teaches its audience about the transcendence of objects into ideas via death, and about choosing the gods one follows through life; all the deities in the universe are lesser than the transcendent forms of one’s life.

Thank you for reading.

Until next time,

Allen W. McLean


These Goodreads poems will be collected in a future edition of the HaikuPrajna Collection. More can be found on Medium and Goodreads. “Hector Blake” is also free to read online alongside book reviews and articles:

Need more Bite-sized Insights to relieve your stress and suffering? Get book previews and mindful meditation haiku \ scifaiku poetry from my metaphysical and magical realism stories (like the sci-fi superhero novel "Escape Perennial City", available on #KindleUnlimited!) sent to your inbox for free Alchemic Wisdom from @electricarmchair and @haikuprajna via the emailing list over here: 

April's latest psychedelic music, videos, art and poetry available on all streaming platforms: Electric Armchair - Feast of Fools

"Fishing for Caribou" eBook, paperback and hardcover are available through Amazon Kindle apps and devices, and with Kindle Unlimited; previews and more:

Every week, you can collect an ebook on Free Fridays! Selection rotates every few weeks; collect them all!

If anyone reading this has a Medium account and needs followers to stay in the Medium Partner Program, I am asking you to please follow me and I'll follow you back! Thanks to you guys, I've reached 100 followers! #MediumWriter #Medium


20220429 - Review: House of M

Chaos magicians \ decimate reality \ piecing their psyche.
#HAIKUPRAJNA - Review: House of M


Been reading Brian Michael Bendis’s “New Avengers”, and the “House of M” event completed an arc that took readers through “Avengers: Disassembled” and “Secret War” to set up future storylines like “Secret Invasion” and “AvX”. (Perfect timing with Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness!)

This limited series had the X-Men crossover with the Avengers to deal with the Maximoff family, and includes all the cinematic style that one expects from Bendis’s Avengers. The heroes wake up to find themselves living different lives. One moment, they were looking for the Scarlet Witch, and the next they had forgotten their old pasts. History had been rewritten. Wolverine was the only one who remembered, so he managed to meet his old allies along with Layla Miller, a mutant child who restored Emma Frost’s memories before restoring everyone else’s. 

I enjoyed the interactions between characters like Spider-man, Doc Strange, Wolverine and Luke Cage. Everyone was given an altered version of their lives to cope with. Though, core members of the New Avengers and the Marvel Universe were sidelined in the main story, including a reimagined Fantastic Four and a retired veteran Captain America. This, however, gave other plots more room to breathe. Some of these stories are visited in tie-ins with good twists, a highlight includes Peter Parker waking up and remembering a shadow life with Gwen and Uncle Ben that he was now forced to live with.

“... No more mutants.”

Wanda Maximoff's tragic story comes to a climax, forcing her to deal with the reality of her children being taken away from her, along with the guilt of abusing her powers. After losing the children she made using Mephisto’s magic, which led to her causing the deaths of the Vision among other Avengers, Charles Xaiver was failing to repair her shattered psyche. Wanda’s reality altering abilities made her mental breakdown all the more dangerous for those she cared about. Professor X and Magneto had found themselves at their wit’s ends. The portrayal of loss and the inability to move on past traumatic heartbreak were the best parts of this event; though, as these deaths are later reversed, the only guilt Wanda would carry would be over the shame of acting out, but these losses nonetheless carry the heroes of the Marvel Universe toward goals of overcoming trauma and abuse. The idea and world of HoM had potential to play around in, but it was over almost as fast as it began.

Thank you for reading.

Until next time,

Allen W. McLean


These Goodreads poems will be collected in a future edition of the HaikuPrajna Collection. More can be found on Medium and Goodreads.

Need more Bite-sized Insights to relieve your stress and suffering? Get book previews and mindful meditation haiku \ scifaiku poetry from my metaphysical and magical realism stories (like the sci-fi superhero novel "Escape Perennial City", available on #KindleUnlimited!) sent to your inbox for free Alchemic Wisdom from @electricarmchair and @haikuprajna via the emailing list over here: 

April's latest psychedelic music, videos, art and poetry available on all streaming platforms: Electric Armchair - Feast of Fools

"Fishing for Caribou" eBook, paperback and hardcover are available through Amazon Kindle apps and devices, and with Kindle Unlimited; previews and more:

Every week, you can collect an ebook on Free Fridays! Selection rotates every few weeks; collect them all! "Hector Blake" is also free to read online alongside book reviews and articles:

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20220307 - Review: Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?


An authentic dream, \ the myth of the modern man, \ transcends suffering.
#HAIKUPRAJNA - Review: Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

"... I am required to do wrong. Everything I've done has been wrong from the start. Anyhow, now it's time to go home."

Philip K. Dick's "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" is the myth of Rick Deckard, a modern Sisyphus, an absurd man whose job of bounty hunting lists of runaway androids was killing his soul, and who learned to love the electric animals he had hated because he had believed them to be fake; this is a nihilistic and existential story in the vein of Camus that deviated from the Absurd by rooting itself in neoplatonic concepts of the good, in the necessity of suffering for the alchemic transmigration of life.

"A mammoth corporation like this--it embodies too much experience. It possesses in fact a sort of group mind. And Eldon and Rachel Rosen consisted as spokesmen for that corporate entity. His mistake, evidently, had been in viewing them as individuals. It was a mistake he would not make again."

April had bought this book for me because she knew I was a fan of the story, which contains a few of the author's typical tropes, including laser tube pistols and hovercraft, with the focus on the differences and similarities between androids and humans, which we see through androids making mistakes when posing as humans, such as one running a parallel police agency, either due to a lack of humanity's shared social knowledge of from never being told they were an android to begin with, all lending to well-written action scenes and tense moments where humans distrust each other's authenticity.

The source material for the sci-fi hit "Blade Runner" was still somehow better without "tears in rain", and even asked the same "Is Deckard a replicant, or at least would he be better off as one?", but Rick said it might not matter if others knew if he owned a fake "animal" or not, blowing the entire debate out the window while solidifying the definitive answer as human; only a few background story pieces get dropped early on, like lead codpieces, being little referenced from the start, but nonetheless influence or inform the setting.

' "Buster is immortal, like Mercer. There's no difference." '

Still hit some of the usual metaphysical trippiness one would expect from PKD through Mercerism representing empathic love as the human group-mind, but the book is grounded, gritty and real foremost, which is why "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" is one of my favorite stories and why Philip K. Dick is one of my favorite writers, because of his ability to portray intangible concepts in reality, where animals represent the idea of feelings with no way to assume if they are real or fake until knowing by measuring one's objective empathic reactions or undergoing bone marrow examination, where Rick's hatred and inherent suffering are transcended into a deeper understanding of both real and fake emotions in both biological and artificial beings, as he realized that all suffering is both artificial in the sense of being self-imposed, and authentic by being a catalyst for transcending the suffering of others, but only if one had first transcended themselves alone without anything but the wisdom they had gained from others.

' "I can't see them." "You're too close," Mercer said. "You have to be a long way off, the way the androids are. They have a better perspective." '

Philip K. Dick wrote about what it means to be alive through how the different kinds of existence perceive each other, with desperate androids being as far from the platonic concept of "the good" as possible, yet still were striving to see for they only wanted to know the truth of empathy and Mercerism, and so, in discrediting the human nature to love, they had acknowledged that it in fact existed for the humans; but the androids had only displayed their inability to understand, or perhaps--echoing the primeval Fall of Man--their inability to grasp that they were just as capable of these feats but were both wholly transcendent of them and entirely defeated, by them, in life.

These Goodreads poems will be collected in a future edition of the HaikuPrajna Collection. More can be found on my Book Reviews page, including my Goodreads Years in Review (add me as a friend!):

"Fishing for Caribou" eBook, paperback and hardcover are available through Amazon Kindle apps and devices; read with Kindle Unlimited:

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It's been one year since "SM-SARA, Poems and Other Stories" was released on Amazon, and we are celebrating this anniversary by releasing "The Artifact" as a standalone ebook!

Please check out April's newest release! Electric Armchair - "Utopian Hell"

Thank you for reading.

Until next time,

Allen W. McLean

PS. If anyone reading this has a Medium account and needs followers to stay in the Medium Partner Program, I am asking you to please follow me and I'll follow you back! Only 20 more followers to go! #MediumWriter #Medium

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